His children fulfilled it. Bill Gates revealed at what age it is appropriate for children to use cell phones

by times news cr

The irruption of new technologies It is a reality that is lived every day in society. Thus, for many people, answers for various situations can be found on the cell phone and not having it could be a headache. But, also, in recent times there has been talk of the negative aspects that can be had with this relationship and this is clear to Bill Gates, who is directly linked to this world as he is the founder of Microsoft. For this reason he determined which – for him – is the correct age for a child to have access to a smartphone.

As a popular exponent of new technologies, Bill Gates became the voice of experience due to his knowledge and success in this universe. These reasons are enough for his statements to have great influence on the public, with his journey being -many times- an example to follow. That’s why, the recent viralization of his statements about raising his children far away of cell phones has a great impactbecause he recognizes a cautious view towards the products he markets with his empire.

The renowned businessman indicated that he has limits for his children to use technology Photo: EFE – Penguin Random House Bill Gates

Contrary to popular belief about a possible direct relationship of his entire family with technology, Bill Gates surprised by revealing that, to raise his children with his partner, they determined the ideal screen time for the three teenagers. , Jennifer, Rory and Phoebe. “We often set a time after which there is no screen time and, in their case, that helps them fall asleep at a reasonable time”he said in an interview he gave for Mirror and that generated great surprise.

Along the same lines, he detailed: “We don’t have mobile phones at the table when we eat, we didn’t give our children mobile phones until they were 14 and they complained that other children had them acquired before.” In this way, he made clear the limits he has regarding the management of those products in the privacy of his home.

Bill Gates indicated that his children did not have access to cell phones until they were 14 years old
Bill Gates indicated that his children did not have access to cell phones until they were 14 years old Stock

As is well known, the use of screens generates various impacts on human beings, and especially in the development stage. According to Mayo Clinic, obesity can be triggered, inadequate sleep schedules and insufficient rest time, behavioral problems, delays in the development of language and social skills, violence, attention problems and less learning timeamong others that are viewed in minors.

For these reasons, the need to set limits regarding access to technology for children is indicated, for responsible and reasonable use. To do this, it is recommended to use it at a scheduled time without interrupting teaching moments, avoid content of fast and violent pace and always with the supervision of an adult at the time the child you are using devices.

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