his name was Francesco Villi, an Italian emigrant – time.news

by time news
from Online editorial staff

The massacre after years of quarrels, three of the victims were members of the condominium board. The killer was later killed in a firefight with the police

L’man that has killed a gun shots and fire five people (three men and two women) in a condominium on the outskirts of Toronto, in Canada, and Italian immigrant. The author of the massacre he had harassed his neighbors for years and threatened the building board in the belief that the electrical room made him ill. He reported it there policeafter identifying theattacker come Francesco Villi73 years old, emigrated to Canada with her mother when she was 17. The man was killed in the clash with the agents shortly after the tragedy. A tragedy which recalls that of recent days in Fidene, on the outskirts of Romawhere 57-year-old Claudio Campiti, who has long been fighting with the condominium administration and its condominiums, killed four women during the condominium meeting in the gazebo of a bar.

Three of Villi’s victims were condominium board members. The videos on his page Facebook, including one posted the day of the shooting, document his frustration with the building’s management and other residents, and include his frequent but unsubstantiated allegations about the harmfulness of the electrical room. Villi had lost several legal battles with the board, which in 2019 had requested a restrictive measure against him for the harassment of other condominiums. A court also banned him from posting on social media. In recent months, the company that owns the building had asked the court to imprison Villi and force him to sell his apartment as a penalty for failing to comply with the judges’ previous measure. In a post published Sunday, the man called them murderers for the lawsuits they had filed against him.

December 20, 2022 (change December 20, 2022 | 03:16)

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