His number 3 is being investigated in the party receivable from a businessman

by time news

To the southwest of Madrid, in a municipality of less than 35,000 inhabitants, a political phenomenon of the past decade is resisting. The mayoress of Arroyomolinos, Ana Millán, is accused in a corruption case typical of the great investigations that shook Madrid politics in the first decade of this century. Millán, number 3 of the PP in Madrid, is being investigated for a practice from any basic guide to corruption: awards to a businessman in exchange for money and perks.

Ayuso’s collaborator, her sister and her partner entered more than 200,000 euros from the businessman of the plot


It is so connected to the macro-causes of corruption of the PP in Madrid that the ‘Millán case’ is a loose end of the Púnica case, the plot that spread through the municipalities of the region in the heat of the omnimodous power of the PP. In the case of Arroyomolinos, the then Councilor for Youth, Ana Millán, awarded more than 670,000 euros to a businessman who paid him double the market price for renting an apartment. Later it was discovered that the same year that she began to pay that rent, the businessman hired the couple and the sister of the current mayor.

This week marks one year of the accusation of Ana Millán in a Navalcarnero court. The indications of her against her have been growing since then without constituting any obstacle for the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, to have increased Millán’s weight in the party. Despite being formally investigated, Ayuso appointed the mayoress of Arroyomolinos deputy secretary of Territorial Organization, number 3 of the local formation, in May of last year. Now her name sounds to integrate a possible autonomous government, in the event that Ayuso revalidates her victory this spring.

The name of Ana Millán Arroyo appeared in the Púnica summary for the first time in 2016, three years after the case broke out. The new municipal government that became mayor discovered that the outgoing team of the Youth Department was trying to get rid of documentation in three garbage bags. Inside, they found emails and bank statements that demonstrated the relationship between a businessman, Francisco Vicente Roselló, owner of the Neverland company, and the person who had been responsible for Youth, and therefore for the town’s festivities, Ana Millán.

At that time, the main concern of the new municipal team was not the notes about Roselló but those that linked the former Youth Councilor with another businessman, José Luis Huerta Valbuena, already known then for starring in one of the separate pieces of the Púnica case. For this reason, the complainants went to the Investigating Court number 6 of the National Court, where Judge Eloy Velasco was investigating the corruption case.

A friend of Francisco Granados, Huerta Valbuena and his company Waiter Music were for years habitual in contracting concerts and other recreational tasks at the festivities of the Madrid towns, a giant cake of concessions with public money. José Luis Huerta passed away in September 2020, before being tried.

The relationship between Waiter Music and the Arroyomolinos City Council dates back to 2004. After two contracts for the local festivities, the first date between Millán and Huertas appears, on November 10. From that moment on, the relationship between the company and the Consistory multiplied. Concerts by fashion groups, end-of-year parties, events… In ten years, Valbuena companies have obtained 602,308.55 euros in awards from the Arroyomolinos City Council.

Four years had to pass until the next judge of Púnica, Manuel García Castellón, concluded that the way in which Waiter Music was contracted by the Arroyomolinos City Council, adding small contracts in which “the retention of the credit with prior to his hiring”, was at least suspicious. “It is especially particular – added the judge – the circumstance that meals or direct meetings take place between the responsible councilor, Ana Millán, and the future winner, José Luis Huerta Valbuena. Such facts make us presume, at least with the necessary force that justifies the criminal investigation, the evidence of a possible continued crime of administrative prevarication.”

But the facts began with the hiring for the celebration of the New Year’s Eve party in 2004 and ended in a 2008 file, so the statute of limitations prevented investigating the relationship between Ana Millán and Huerta Valbuena. The same was not the case with regard to the link between the former councilor and Francisco Roselló. “A different issue arises in relation to the facts related to councilor Ana Millán and her relationship with the Neverland company that, although they offer indications that are not related to this piece, would proceed to the inhibition of the competent investigating court,” the judge pointed out. . The ‘Milán case’ was born.

A Navalcarnero court began to investigate in secret until the alarms went off on January 25, 2022. Agents of the Central Operative Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard appeared simultaneously at the Arroyomolinos City Hall and at the headquarters of the company in Roselló, Neverland. Two months later, in March, the head of the Investigating Court number 6 of Navalcarnero issued an order in which he summoned the mayoress and the businessman to testify as investigated in a case with the provisional classification of possible administrative prevarication.

That same month of March 2022, elDiario.es revealed the progress of the investigation. Between January 3, 2008 and July 13, 2012, Ana Belén Millán had received 44,462.67 euros from the Neverland company, owned by Roselló, according to the Civil Guard reports. On the other hand, between 2006 and 2011, four companies from Roselló were awarded more than 660,915.21 euros in contracts from the Department of Youth, headed by Ana Millán. When Millán changed his Department, the Arroyomolinos City Council stopped hiring Roselló. In addition, Millán received another 6,642 euros from the businessman in 2012 for unknown reasons.

Secretly, the UCO had summoned Millán as investigated without arrest on January 22 of last year for the alleged crimes of bribery, prevarication, fraud against the administration and money laundering. The mayoress refused to collaborate with the agents and did not declare. The person who had answered the questions of the civil guards, as a witness and on three occasions, had been Joaquín G. S, a former employee of one of the Roselló companies, who lived in the Millán attic, in the center of Arroyomolinos, between June 2010 and December 2012. Joaquín told the agents that he paid 500 euros a month to his then boss and in hand. Roselló, in turn, delivered 900 euros a month to Millán. The argument of the businessman and mayoress before the judge is that if the rent was close to double the market price, it is because it was a rental with the right to purchase that the businessman never exercised afterwards.

The ‘Milán case’

The rent issue turned out to be just one side of the relationship between Francisco Roselló and the mayoress. In reality, the businessman had entered the lives of several members of the Millán family in 2008. Starting that year, in addition to paying him almost double the market price for renting an attic, Roselló hired the sister of the councilor and also her then partner, now her husband.

Beatriz Millán, a social worker, invoiced a total of 93,522.60 euros to Roselló until 2016. In addition, a joint venture in which he participated hired Juan Pedro Santos Ceballos, with whom number 3 of the Madrid PP has lived since 2007. Santos Ceballos received income worth 37,578.04 euros from Roselló. Between the mayoress, her husband and her sister, they received a total of 214,638.45 euros from companies in Roselló between 2008 and 2016, for different concepts, according to the calculation made by elDiario.es based on data collected by the Civil Guard of the banks and the Tax Agency.

The deputy secretary of Organization of Ayuso declared in court that she did not influence that hiring and that her sister obtained the position by applying for a selection process as a social worker. The businessman, for his part, told the judge that he was unaware of the contracting when it occurred due to the volume and number of companies he had. It so happens that one of the companies that hired Beatriz Millán Arroyo, GE Escuelas Urbanas, is part of the Roselló business joint venture that also hired the mayoress’s husband. Juan Pedro Santos is summoned to testify as a witness on April 23.

Millán’s husband will also have to answer for another matter other than his hiring by a Vicente Roselló company. When investigating the accounts of the mayoress, the UCO came across 42,650 euros in cash from Millán between 2008 and 2017. In a recent report incorporated into the corruption case, the agents highlight that most of these funds (34,700 euros) They ended up in Millán’s bank account while his partner, Juan Pedro Santos, worked as a janitor for a joint venture of companies in which businessman Francisco Roselló participated.

The importance of this conclusion lies in the fact that it would question the affirmation, also made by the number 3 of the PP in Madrid in court, that his cash income came from the profits in the “hospitality” and “world of the night” of your partner, who was listed as a college counseling employee at the time. She told the judge, she did not like to keep cash at home, so she was paying into the bank part of what her husband brought and her income for a second home for rent. In a recent report, the UCO concludes that the origin of the cash remains unknown and highlights the coincidence of the beginning of the income with the rest of the presumed perks to Millán and his relatives.

A professional life in the PP

Ana Millán has spent almost her entire adult life in professional politics. Already in 2003, at the age of 26, she was a councilor for Arroyomolinos, precisely for the Department under suspicion, Youth, Women, Children and Citizen Participation. He repeated in the position in the following legislature, for which he held the chair until 2011. In that year he changed to Employment, Training, Industry and Commerce, where he was for another four years, until 2014. When the PP lost the consistory, it did not have to look for itself either life in the labor market when she was hired as an advisor to the Community of Madrid, where she remained until she returned as mayor in 2020.

Millán always combined his activity in municipal politics with that of the party, coming to replace Isabel Díaz Ayuso at the head of the Communications Secretariat when she was elected candidate for the Presidency of the Community of Madrid in 2019. His accusation known, Ayuso did not He saved on photographs with Ana Millán until naming her in May number 3 of the party in the region. In recent months, Ana Millán has been meeting with the mayoral candidates for the PP in the Community of Madrid and has asked them if the party had anything to worry about.


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