„History will not forget this evil Akşener did to Turkey.“

by time news

Dr.Ahmet Güler/ İzmir/Analysis/ Observation/ 5.03.22023

Let’s pay attention to the timing of the table tipping action. It would be an understatement to say „Meral Akşener earthquake after Maraş 7.6 earthquake“.

Until Meral Akşener table tipping day, earthquake was the most important agenda item in Turkey. All news channels, newspapers and social media were broadcasting about the earthquake, which was still very painful, calls for help were being made, we were trying hard to help the earthquake victims in the world and Turkey.

But there was also a parallel development, the first days of the earthquake were past, the negligence of the current government during the earthquake, the Red Crescent tent sales, the lack of organization of Afad, the failure to send the soldiers to help, the destruction of evidence by urgent debris removal, new construction tenders for supporters without consulting anyone, NGOs his arrogance, hindering his work, we did everything, was increasing the reaction against the Ankara government every day.

The government was in the process of constantly losing votes, even from the bone voters. MHP Bahçeli’s scolding the earthquake victims and Erdoğan’s distribution of money in the region like alms caused public reaction, and the voices of “government resignation” were heard at football matches and on the streets.

With Akşener’s unprovoked table-turning action, the issue of earthquakes has completely ceased to be on the agenda, the lightnings falling on the government were turned into a six-point table, and the agenda of “the country is dealing with an earthquake, you are in trouble for the presidency” was formed.

Erdogan immediately used this and exploded the slogan “We are in trouble for life, the 6th table is in trouble with goods” in the language of the people.

Akşener, the strongest representative of the deep capital and imperialist system at the 6th table, did what was expected of him and torpedoed the opposition front.

History will not forget this evil that Akşener did to Turkey. Kılıçdaroğlu, on the other hand, will keep his calm and move forward on the path of Presidency with sure steps. (Dr.Ahmet Güler/ İzmir/Analysis/ Observation/ 5.03.2023)

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