HIV and AIDS in figures: There are more patients but fewer deaths

by time news

2023-12-05 18:00:56

To learn more about the HIV and AIDS It is necessary to talk about the current panorama and the progress that has been achieved. Both are part of the deadliest pandemic of the modern era, although important innovations have also been achieved that could help achieve its eradication.

HIV and AIDS: The two faces of the disease

The first and most important thing is that the HIV and AIDS they are not the same. The simplest way to differentiate each one is that the first represents the first stage of the disease. With the help of current treatments it is possible to achieve control so that the patient can continue with his life for years. While the second is the culminating stage of the pathology and the mortality rate is 100 percent.

In this regard, it is estimated that there are currently 39 million people around the planet living with HIV. The figure is increasing and is partly thanks to the development of antiretrovirals. These are the drugs that infected people require to stay alive.

This treatment must be continued for life to achieve a good result because otherwise there are relapses or the HIV can evolve to HOW. While the negative points are that not all patients have access to these drugs, in addition to the fact that they generate multiple side effects.

Now, according to UNAIDS, there are currently around 29.8 million infected people receiving antiretroviral treatment. This is a positive advance because in 2010 the figure was only 7.7 million inhabitants. In any case, it is estimated that there are at least 10 million individuals who have not received these drugs.

New cases of HIV and AIDS

Within this same analysis, a notable advance is observed with respect to the new cases reported. In 2000 the figure was 2.8 million, while in 2010 it was 2.1 million and in 2020 it stood at 1.3 million. With this it is observed that there are fewer and fewer new patients.

A similar situation is observed with annual deaths. In 2000 the statistic was 1.7 million people, while in 2010 it dropped to 1.3 million and in 2020 it was 600 thousand deaths. Receive a timely diagnosis and immediately begin treatment of antiretrovirals It’s fundamental.

Despite these positive figures on the evolution of the epidemic and access to treatment over the last two decades, experts have warned that there is growing complacency about the disease because it continues to wreak havoc in some parts of the world.

Is it possible to eradicate HIV and AIDS by 2030?

Although new HIV infections have been reduced by 38% since 2010, there were still around 1.3 million new infections globally last year, so there is still work to be done to reach the UN goal of ending with the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

From all of the above, it can be seen that currently diabetes and tumors are more deadly than HIV and AIDS. Although this should not be misunderstood nor should respect for the infection be lost. Having sufficient protection measures when having sexual relations, during blood transfusions and during tattoo sessions is something that should never disappear.

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