Hofheim: donations for earthquake victims | Main peak

by time news

HOFHEIM. (kPa). A fundraiser raised more than 8,000 euros for the victims of the earthquake in Turkey. According to organizers Hümeyra Aydemir and Ayse Lale from the Turkish-Islamic community in Hofheim, the money will go to a container village that houses people who have lost their homes. Together with other women from the community, the two had organized a large donation buffet last Saturday, and there were also games and face painting. First city councilor Wolfgang Exner emphasized the commitment of the women and thanked them for their great commitment. Anyone who was unable to attend the event but would still like to donate to the container village can do so using the following contact details: Turkish-Islamic Union, IBAN: DE95 5023 4500 0141 4300 09, keyword: residential container.

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