Holiday diet, from gastroenterologists the “intestine-saving” advice – Health and Well-being

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ROME, AUGUST 12 – Infectious, bacterial or viral disorders. These are some of the problems that can easily arise during the holidays following an incorrect diet or even, if abroad, the consumption of water and food without reliable health controls. This was revealed by the Italian Association of Hospital Gastroenterologists and Endoscopists (Aigo).
“The introduction of unusual foods can induce a profound change in the microbiota – explains Gloria Mumolo, gastroenterologist at the Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana and member of Aigo -. Foods rich in fermentable and non-absorbable substrates (FODMAPS) such as pizza, bread and fresh dairy products, especially if consumed in abundance, as well as carbonated drinks, increase meteorism”. Even the reduction of fiber can induce or worsen constipation, “while diarrhea, in addition to bacteria and viruses, can be caused by multiple factors, including drastic variations in temperature between a very hot external environment and air-conditioned internal environments, not least the consumption of very cold drinks”. In addition to poor digestion, which often afflicts holidaymakers, often “the result of particularly large and fatty meals, especially if consumed quickly”, reflux can also be added “which risks being induced by an excess of foods such as chocolate, mint, acidic foods (tomatoes, citrus fruits, vinegar), spicy or hot foods, fatty foods and coffee”.
To avoid these mistakes, gastroenterologists recommend respecting the usual meal time to keep blood sugar levels stable; avoiding carbohydrate loading and skipping meals in anticipation of a subsequent large meal. In the case of a buffet lunch, usually full of a variety of processed and/or processed foods, limit the quantity and number of foods taken; avoid or at least limit alcohol intake and excessive alterations in the sleep-wake rhythm that increases stress on the body and reduces glycemic control; it is also proven that hours of forced wakefulness favor the consumption of foods rich in fats and sugars (so-called mindless eating). Regular monitoring of body weight remains a preventive strategy for uncontrolled weight gain. (ANSA).

2024-08-12 22:43:09

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