Holidays must be a resource, not an extra stress: the advice-

by time news
from Elena Meli

Holidays can be the right opportunity to recover energy, especially after a difficult period such as that of the pandemic. What really matters, however, is not so much “where” one goes, but “how” one faces the holiday period

Unplug, go in a bit vacation: at the end of July it is the desire of everyone, not just those who are crushed by a burnout syndrome. All the more so this year after difficult months, as the occupational psychologist Alessandro Lo Presti observes: «The pandemic it has progressively eroded the boundaries between home and work: for many, teleworking meant having work problems at home for 24 hours a day, while in the past it certainly happened to bring them from the office, but it was more of a choice ». In short, we have been besieged, so disconnecting has become even more necessary: ​​it is good to prevent the burnout, but also against the simple stress working. It doesn’t matter to go who knows where and the restrictions on long journeys shouldn’t worry you, because what makes the difference is the mental approach to the holiday: as specifies Andrea Fiorillo, professor of psychiatry at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, “You need to take breaks from work: what matters is not so much the holiday itself, understood as a journey, but the time to dedicate to your favorite activities. If you go on vacation but don’t really break away from the routine the beneficial effect may not even exist “.

Re-evaluate the sense of emptiness

In short, we can go on vacation even behind the house, just rediscover the etymological sense of “emptiness” from the usual tasks, to be filled with what makes you feel good. It could be sport, which according to a survey by the US University of Georgia published in recent weeks can be effective in reducing burnout in health professionals, improving their mental and emotional well-being (as well as physical fitness, and certainly not bad) ; or you can choose transcendental meditation, which a study by the Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education in San Francisco, California, found to be a great way to mitigate and prevent burnout in teachers, thus increasing their resilience in the most difficult times. .

Relaxing activities

However, any activity that really relaxes is fine, because as Lo Presti explains «Not all holidays are the same, it depends on what you do and how you do it: pleasant activities help psychological recovery, whatever they are. Furthermore, it is essential not to think about work and really leave it out the door because the holidays “recharge”, but the effects gradually disappear within two to four weeks of returning: if you carry some paperwork, the benefits last less . Finally, it is better to break up the breaks from work into several tranches during the year rather than indulge in a single maxi-holiday: we will be able to enjoy the benefits for a longer time, at different times of the year ».

August 6, 2021 (change August 6, 2021 | 21:56)

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