Hollabrunn – Poly construction site in ambitious final spurt before school starts

by time news

When the new school year begins, the focus in the district capital is primarily on the new school campus, which will be opening. But a lot is also happening in other schools, such as the PTS Hollabrunn. There, as in the adjacent middle school, the renovation of the aging sanitary facilities began at the start of the holidays.

“I am grateful that we are getting new toilets and I am excited to see whether we will really be able to get them ready before school starts and how things will continue after that,” says Poly director Gerald Weihs during the NÖN visit. The construction site is still in operation. The sanitary facilities are still empty. New toilet facilities are being installed not only in the Poly, but also on the two floors above. “I was promised that the toilets would be available to the students on September 2nd,” says Weihs confidently during the tour.

School caretaker Ernst Saure is the principal’s “Man of the Year”

He is grateful for the support of the school’s sponsor, the municipality, which is responsible for the structure of the building. “What I would like for future projects, however, is to be more involved in the planning and scheduling, even if I am not responsible.”

The school has also received a decalcification system, for which the teachers had to sacrifice part of their wardrobe. A wall that “hides” this system is still being built. And when these construction sites are finished, work will continue: “The workshops in which we teach the practical skills are our smallest rooms, but they should be the largest,” says Weihs, who has already expressed a wish that this area will be renovated.

The director was also promised that the dilapidated blinds, some of which can no longer be raised, would be replaced. “Ernst Saure has earned my greatest respect. For me, he is the man of the year,” says Weihs, who doesn’t know what he would do without the dedicated school caretaker. “He is there every day, works, coordinates and makes sure that things move forward.”

Poly is at its capacity limit

On September 2, just over 60 students will start the new school year at the PTS. “That’s ten more than last year,” says the director. This also makes it possible to offer the “Commerce and Office” department again, which has not existed for the past three years. There are just enough classrooms. “We are at the limit with our capacity,” says Weihs, and he is sure that there will be even more students in the coming years when he thinks about the influx of people into the city.

With six teachers, he is committed to advancing education, accompanying and supporting the students during the ten months they spend at the Poly. The young people need this in times that are becoming increasingly fast-paced, observes the headmaster, emphasizing: “I am fortunate that our team includes both experienced and young teachers; it is a brilliant mix.”

The task is to find the right apprenticeship for the young people. With 250 apprenticeships in Austria, this is often not so easy. It is a challenge for the students to gain a foothold in the professional world. “We have to turn students into young adult apprentices in ten months,” says Weihs. This is working well, thanks in part to the good contacts with the companies in Hollabrunn.

In order to provide the students with the best possible support, there has been a remedial class on Friday afternoons for three years. The free class has been well received.

2024-08-25 07:00:00

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