Hollywood Producer Arnon Milchan: A Billionaire, Arms Dealer, and Controversial Figure

by time news

Article: Hollywood Producer Arnon Milchan Takes Center Stage in Netanyahu Corruption Trial

Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan finds himself in the spotlight as he takes the witness stand in the corruption trial of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Milchan, age 79 and with a estimated fortune of over three billion dollars, has been called to explain why he showered Netanyahu with gifts worth 690 thousand shekels and what he expected to receive in return.

Milchan’s testimony in court this week was a toned-down version of what he had previously told the police. Meir Doron, who co-authored a book about Milchan’s life, believes that the producer is trying to please everyone involved in the trial, including the prosecution, defense, and the Netanyahus themselves.

Known for his lavish lifestyle, Milchan is no stranger to picking up the tab. Doron revealed that whenever people dine with Milchan or travel in his private plane, he covers all expenses. According to Doron, Milchan’s late secretary once said, “Milchan has no friends, only interests.”

Milchan’s rise to wealth and fame began when he saved his family’s fertilizer company from financial difficulties. He then became known as the number one arms dealer in Israel, brokering deals in favor of the country and establishing connections in the Israeli elite. Milchan was also reportedly involved in secret operations for an Israeli intelligence agency, acquiring sensitive technologies for the Israeli nuclear project.

In addition to his arms dealing ventures, Milchan ventured into the film industry. His production company has been responsible for blockbuster hits such as “Fight Club,” “Bohemian Rhapsody,” and “12 Years a Slave.” Milchan’s connections in Hollywood include celebrities like Brad Pitt, whom he sheltered at his home during Pitt’s secret affair with Angelina Jolie.

Milchan’s personal life has been eventful as well, with three marriages and six children. Doron describes Milchan as someone who falls in love easily and is capable of loving more than one woman.

The trial of Netanyahu and his alleged acceptance of lavish gifts from Milchan has captivated the Israeli public. As Milchan takes the witness stand, the nation waits to see how his testimony will impact the outcome of the trial.

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