Holocaust Martyrs ‘and Heroes’ Remembrance Day: A siren will sound at 10:00

by time news

We’ll remember and not forget: Holocaust Martyrs ‘and Heroes’ Remembrance Day events will continue today (Thursday) when at 9:30, a candle lighting ceremony will be held in the Knesset with the participation of the President of the German Parliament, the Bundestag, and Arbel Bass, and at 10:00 a two-minute siren will sound throughout the country. .

After the siren, the wreath-laying ceremony will begin at Yad Vashem, and at 11:00 there will be an event in the Knesset, “Everyone has a name,” in which the names of Holocaust victims will be read aloud. At 13:00, the state memorial service will open at the Yizkor Tent at the Yad Vashem Museum.

About an hour later, the Life March in Poland, where thousands will march between the Auschwitz camp and the Birkenau camp, will begin, after two years the march will be held digitally due to the corona. At 5:30 PM, a rally of youth movements will be held at the Yad Vashem Museum, and at 8:00 PM, Memorial Day events will close with a rally at the Ghetto Fighters’ House.

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