Home delivery of medicines is gaining ground

by time news

With their pink insulated backpacks, we would happily confuse them with meal deliverers. However, the couriers of the Livmed’s company do not ring the doorbell to deliver good meals but medicines. Treat yourself without moving from home? Since the Covid-19 pandemic, rapid home delivery of pharmaceutical treatments has been gaining ground in France. More and more start-ups, like Livmed’s, MyMediks, Pharmao or even Phacil are pressing into this booming market.

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With more than 1,000 pharmacies already using its platform, and “about 2,000 waiting for the opening of the service in their cities” according to its founder, the Riviera Livmed’s is one of the market’s headliners. Landed in Nice at the end of 2020, the young shoot created by Talel Hakimi now offers the delivery of medicines in 200 cities in France, and records more than 500 orders every day.

“Our users are mainly young parents, but we also have people with reduced mobility and caregivers. An expatriate in Canada regularly places an order to have the treatments delivered to his mother in France. », Details the former insurance broker.

“The use has become more democratic in the population”

The principle is modeled on that of fast meal delivery: customers select the partner pharmacy closest to them in the application, place an order for their products – for prescription drugs, digital prescription and vital card must be scanned – then pay for their purchases or the rest to be paid for, to which are added delivery costs. The platforms are remunerated by means of a commission on the delivery price.

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To guarantee the confidentiality of health data, the information is end-to-end encrypted and stored with approved hosts. “In the same way, orders prepared by pharmacies are delivered in opaque and sealed bags”explains Nicolas Schweitzer, co-founder of Pharmao, which ensures that it makes more than 500 daily deliveries.

The arrival in the game of mutual insurance companies, which could cover delivery costs under certain conditions, should give a boost

This service is not new. Many pharmacists already offer it free of charge to their customers. But for lack of time, they often practice it bit by bit. However, since Covid-19 and the rise of teleconsultation, demand has exploded. “The use is spreading in the population”, confirm Lise Malnoury and Doria Barchiche, at the head of MyMediks, the tricolor pioneer, which has quintupled its sales since the health crisis. And the trend should continue in the coming months with the generalization, under the impetus of the government, of the digital prescription, underlines the founder of Phacil, Alexandre Deniau.

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