Home improvement work started | Tamil Murasu

by time news

Another 56,000 Housing Development Corporation houses under the Home Improvement Program

­ப­டுத்­தப்­பட இருக்­கின்­றன.

இவற்­றுக்­கான மேம்­பாட்­டுப் பணி­கள் தொடங்­கி­விட்­டன.

These houses are from 1987

Built between the year and 1997.

Approximately 230,000 vacant houses built during that period are to be upgraded.

The referendum on development work began in September last year. As of December 31 last year, 75 percent of homeowners eligible for improvement had voted in favor of the project.

The home improvement plan was introduced 15 years ago.

Renovation work on approximately 320,000 homes built before 1986 is nearing completion.

ஏறத்­தாழ 259,100 வீடு­க­ளுக்­கான மேம்­பாட்­டுப் பணி­கள் நிறைவுபெற்­று­விட்­டன.

கிட்­டத்­தட்ட 55,100 வீடு­க­ளுக்­கான மேம்­பாட்­டுப் பணி­கள் தொடர்­கின்­றன.

In this case, the extended house for the second phase of the house mam

பாட்­டுப் பணி­கள் துவங்­கி­

There are. As of March 31, last year, the government had spent about $ 3.4 billion on upgrading the first phase of housing.

The objective of the development work is to improve the quality of life of the occupants of the widows’ houses, to address common maintenance issues and to address the challenges related to the aging population.

The home improvement plan is divided into three sections. Improving essential features,

This includes optional development work (which residents can do if they wish), as well as improvements needed for vibrant seniors. Repairing cracks in the wall, fitting retractable metal frame to dry clothes, and improving public hygiene and safety standards are essential features. The cost is fully borne by the government.

Optional development improvements such as door and door replacements

Some example in the section

களாகும். Up to 95 per cent of the cost of these works will be subsidized depending on the type of house.

More subsidies are also provided for development work required by seniors. Handrails for seniors, ramps, and toilet flooring to prevent slipping will be provided under this section. Residents who want to see what the house will look like once the amenities are fitted can look for the Mobile @ HDB processor. As of December 31, last year, more than 255,500 homes had applied for seniors’ upgrades, according to the Housing Development Corporation.

Home improvement work

Approximately 160,200 eligible homes were selected. This includes 95,300 houses that are not eligible for home improvement


As of March 31 last year, the corporation said the government had spent nearly $ 102 million on improvements for seniors.

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