Home insurance: what it includes and who it is suitable for

by time news

Are you struggling with thehome insurance and you want to know some details, for example What does it include? and when is it best to do it? Find out by continuing to read.

You have probably been thinking about getting home insurance for a while now, but before contacting an insurance company to ask for quotes to evaluate, you want to know more. In fact, the world of home insurance is vast.

There are several types of home insurancebelow we will analyze them all so as to give you as clear a picture as possible of the various possibilities to choose from.

What does home insurance include based on the types?

What perhaps not everyone knows is that with a home insurance policy you can protect both your home and your family. And it can be customized based on your needs. Let’s look in detail at the various options, that is, which ones you can sign up for.

Home insurance, types and what damages they cover – designmag.it

If you live in an apartment building you are generally protected from global building policya non-compulsory insurance that covers damages occurring in common areas of the building and those caused to other structures.

Before thetaking out a mortgage to buy a house you stipulate theCompulsory fire and explosion insurance which covers damages caused by:

  • fire
  • explosions of domestic systems
  • lightning
  • electrical discharges
  • collapses

However thefire insurance does not cover damage from natural disasters. However, additional coverage may be requested that includes these events and also nuclear and atomic accidents. Damage caused by the insured’s willful misconduct is also excluded.

It usually integrates with theinsurance against damages caused by electrical phenomena which covers damages caused by electromagnetic discharges such as short circuits, overvoltages and current variations. Therefore voltage surges that can damage the electrical panel or appliances.

For those living in a high-risk area earthquake and other natural disasters It is advisable to take out a separate policy or extend your home insurance that covers direct and material damage to the building and what is inside it. It also covers damage caused by floods or inundations. However, it does not cover damage caused by tsunamis and tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, radiation, looting, wars, revolutions, terrorism and sabotage.

L’home theft or robbery insurance It covers all objects inside the home, therefore furnishings, accessories, appliances. It also covers damages due to burglary, for which compensation can be requested, but not the money stolen.

As regards valuables (jewels, money, securities, etc.) it is necessary to take out a specific insurance policy called valuables theft guarantee. It is a good idea to do this if you live in an area with a high crime rate, if you leave your home unattended for a long time, or if you have a lot of valuables in the safe.

Finally the family liability insurance (Family RC or Head of Family RC), protects the family unit from compensation claims for damages caused involuntarily to third parties. It does not cover damages suffered by family members. In the case of damages caused by animals, thespecific insurance for dog or cat.

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