Honey: A Powerful Home Remedy for Cold Symptoms, Backed by Science

by time news

2023-10-05 14:36:00
Honey Proven to be an Effective Cold Remedy, Outperforming Antibiotics

A cold can put a damper on everyday life, leaving you feeling miserable and longing for the comfort of your bed. But now, a simple home remedy has emerged as a powerful weapon in the fight against cold symptoms – honey.

Besides being a delicious topping and a key ingredient in desserts, honey has been found to have numerous medicinal properties. When it comes to coughs, many people instinctively reach for a jar of honey, recognizing its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

In a recent meta-study conducted at the University of Oxford, honey was found to be more effective than antibiotics in alleviating cold symptoms. The study analyzed 14 research projects involving approximately 1,400 participants and was published in the prestigious journal “BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine.”

The findings revealed that honey not only reduced the frequency but also the severity of coughs associated with upper respiratory tract diseases. Additionally, honey was significantly more effective than antibiotics. It should be noted that overuse of antibiotics can lead to resistance, which poses a serious threat, especially to immunocompromised individuals.

The researchers attribute the effectiveness of honey to its ability to alleviate symptoms caused by viruses, which are often the culprits behind cold and cough. Honey thins mucus and secretions in the upper respiratory tract, reducing the urge to cough and facilitating the expulsion of mucus.

However, parents should exercise caution when it comes to giving honey to children under the age of one. Honey can contain bacteria that may not be digested properly by infants due to their underdeveloped intestinal flora. This can lead to infant botulism, a condition where spore-forming bacteria settle in the intestines and release toxins. In severe cases, infant botulism can cause paralysis of the breathing and swallowing muscles.

While honey proves to be an effective and natural remedy for combating cold symptoms, it is important to seek medical advice and refrain from giving honey to infants. The study’s findings shed light on the potential dangers and limitations of antibiotics, emphasizing the importance of exploring alternative treatments for common ailments.

This article was originally published on chip.de.]
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