Honor: Six outstanding male and female soldiers from Kfar Saba

by time news

The President’s Outstanding Ceremony was held yesterday, in which President Yitzhak Herzog presented the President’s Outstanding Medal to 120 outstanding soldiers in honor of the 74th Independence Day. Among the nightmares are six male and female soldiers from Kfar Saba: Corporal Noam Shachar, Corporal Ariel Kabrik, Lt. Yuval Dahan, Sgt. Ran Rothschild, Corporal N (classified) and Corporal T (classified).

Deputy Yuval Dahan from Kfar Saba Celebrating her 22nd birthday on May 3, she is the Outstanding President of the State for the year 2022, 2002. The Outstanding Ceremony of President Yitzhak Herzog took place yesterday, Thursday, and among the outstanding was chosen a fighter and commander in the 334th Thunder Battalion, Lt. Yuval Dahan from Kfar Saba.

Yuval Dahan grew up in the house where the IDF lived and breathed. Both her parents were officers. From an early age, Yuval knew she would be an IDF commander. She enlisted in the Artillery Corps to be a fighter and was assigned to the 334th Battalion, took an officers’ course and is currently serving as a team leader in the Artillery Soldier’s soldier completion.

Outstanding President, Deputy Yuval Dahan

Yuval talks about her role as a commander in the Artillery Corps: “Command for me is beyond the profession, it has already become a kind of hobby, something I look forward to and miss on weekends, when I am not directly with my soldiers. I admit that I have not yet exhausted the command and probably will not adopt it in the coming years. “

Excited Lieutenant Dahan, recounts receiving the honors: “Being an outstanding president never occurred to me, I think I still do not digest the class, I thank every day for the place I came to and the people I knew along the way. I would not change anything in my service, nor would I act Otherwise, I will just say thank you and smile for the continuation of the amazing service that is yet to come. “

Did the election of an outstanding president surprise you?

“I was definitely surprised by that. It’s not a scenario I thought could ever happen. I didn’t expect it at all.”

What tools did you get thanks to the service?

“I learned to understand my people in depth, to know how to develop my opinions and to learn to fight for things that are important enough to me. I learned the importance of investing and how necessary a tier it is for success.

Do you already have plans for the future?

“In terms of continuing the service, I am starting a program called Maltak (College of National Tactical Security), an annual program that includes a degree and is attended by 60 officers from the dry arm.

Lieutenant Dahan thanks her subordinates and the staff with her: “I want to say to my soldiers, my cadets and my dear staff, how clichéd it is, but the service would not have been the same without you, you treasure I would not give up at any cost.”

Outstanding President, Rabat Noam Shachar

Corporal Noam Shachar (20) from Kfar Saba, She is the first transgender soldier to receive the President’s Outstanding Medal on Independence Day. Noam, who serves in the Home Front Command’s rescue and rescue unit, made her beret campaign with a pride flag on her vest. “Before I enlisted, it was clear to me that I would enlist in my womb. I searched the Internet for information on transgender men and women and found nothing. I felt I had to prove it was possible,” says Shahar. “My mother almost fainted when I told her.”

Outstanding President, Corporal Ariel Kabrik

Outstanding President, Staff Sergeant Ran Rothschild

Corporal Ariel Kibrik (20), Serving in the 215th Artillery Brigade, he is the son of parents who immigrated to Israel from Argentina, and a graduate of Rabin High School in the city. Kibrik serves as a fitness instructor for soldiers and adapts training and nutrition programs for them, in his free time he likes to play sports and play computer games, and after his military service he aspires to engage in the high-tech field. Most of all, he testifies that he likes to sit with his good friends and chat, “I did not intend to serve in the gunners but from the moment I got there, I aspired as high as possible,” says Kibrick.

Sgt. Ran Rothschild (21), He is the head of the Nahal Brigade. He is a graduate of Herzog High School in Kfar Saba and served as a center of the Scout tribe as a child. The best there is, very successful and always gives everything for everyone. “

Mayor Rafi Saar said: “Great pride today in Kfar Saba. On behalf of all the residents of the city, I congratulate our outstanding female and male soldiers, Noam, Ariel, Yuval, Ran and two other female soldiers in classified positions – well done! “Great honor. Our soldiers are important and valued. We commented and we will do everything to help them always during their military service. Happy Independence Day and congratulations on your excellent achievements.”

The President’s Medal of Excellence is the Medal of Excellence for IDF soldiers, opponents and officers, decorated by the President of Israel, awarded by the President in the presence of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff, IDF Generals and other dignitaries. President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi opened in this tradition in 1959 and a ceremony was held in the garden of the President’s Barracks. Upon receiving the award, the outstanding soldiers receive a scholarship of $ 1,000 from the Belvatnik Foundation from the United Kingdom, through the Association for the Soldier.

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