Honoring the Martyrdom of Saint Lygeri: A Reflection on Faith and Resilience

by time news

Today, according to the calendar, the following have a celebration:

  • Vivos, Vivi
  • Evdochos, Evdoxis, Doxis
  • Lygeri *

* There are other dates that this name is celebrated.

Saint Lygeri the New Martyr of Chios

The holy new martyr Lygeri of Chios was born in the early 19th century in the village of Anavatos on Chios. She was raised with the teachings of the Orthodox faith, and was noted for her psycho-physical beauty, which attracted the erotic desire of the Turkish tyrant. Despite his promises and pressures for riches and honors, the most radiant Lygeri remained steadfast in her faith and refused to marry the infidel Agarenos. On September 6, 1822, the day of the celebration of the miracle of Archangel Michael in Chios, the followers of the Turkish tyrant arrived in the village.

Amidst the ensuing uproar, they violently seized the most radiant Lygeri against her will to lead her to him. On the way, Lygeri embraced a tree with all her strength, declaring boldly that she would not renounce Christ. At that moment, one of the followers beheaded her, and with her honorable head, he ran towards the beach of Elinda, where the Turkish tyrant was waiting. From the blood of the athletic new martyr, her mother carved three crosses on the nearby rocks, one of which has been preserved to this day.

Commemoration of the Miracle of Archangel Michael in Chonia

According to saint.gr, in some part of Phrygia, the earth sprang forth holy water by the power of Archangel Michael, which healed every illness of the sick. Therefore, a Christian, because his daughter was healed, built a beautiful church in the name of the Archistrategos, over the holy spring.

Ninety years later, a devout young man named Archippos came to the church. He remained as a servant in the church and lived an ascetic and temperate life. When the idolaters saw this, they seized Archippos and struck him hard. Then, they rushed to destroy the church and the holy spring. But oh, the great power of the Archangel! Some of them were left with paralyzed hands, while others were stopped by a barrier of fire, and thus everyone returned empty-handed. However, their stubbornness and anger led them to divert a nearby river to sweep away the church and drown Archippos. But once again, a miracle occurred! The river turned back! Then they thought to join two other rivers. But Archangel Michael appeared to Archippos and, after taking him out of the church, made the sign of the cross and the rivers stood like a wall. He then commanded that they be absorbed, and indeed, in a miraculous way, to this day the waters of the rivers are absorbed in that place. And for this reason, that place was named Chonia.


Tone d’.

O Archistrategos of the heavenly armies, we, the unworthy, beseech you always, that by your prayers you may fortify us, shelter us under your wings, safeguarding us as we fall down to your boundless glory, crying out fervently: Deliver us from dangers, as the commander of the heavenly hosts.

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