Horoscope: Capricorns – listen to your intuition and don’t lose sight of it

by time news

Aries (photo: no credit)


Relationships stabilize and balance and you can enjoy them. The free ones among you will be able to enter into new and balanced relationships. Even in partnerships you will feel balance and harmony. Friday-Saturday are expected to be sensitive, intuitions are strong and you will feel the need for silence and gathering. It is good to meditate and listen to music.

The full moon in your sign on Monday will strengthen you, you will feel full of enthusiasm, but there may be tension in relationships that will pass as soon as it comes. Tuesday through Thursday are expected to be good for signing deals and financial decisions, if only you adopt different ideas than usual.

Taurus (photo: no credit)Taurus (photo: no credit)


In the field of work you are dominant, relationships are strengthened and there is harmony in your environment. Economic initiatives are taking shape, but it is important to be focused. Friday-Saturday are expected to be socially sensitive and good at giving, as long as the boundaries are clear, don’t sacrifice yourself.

The full moon in Libra on Monday may cause emotional flooding, internal dramas and hypersensitivity accompanied by helplessness. The full moon in your sign from Tuesday to Thursday will cause hypersensitivity and irritability.

Gemini (photo: no credit)Gemini (photo: no credit)


March in Gemini towards retreat gives you a push for action and initiatives, but you have a tendency to lose focus and energy and become scattered. Focus your energy and don’t waste your time on anything and anyone, be alert about it or you will miss out.

The romantic area is expected to be lively and satisfying – the relationship balances out and gives you a sense of security. On Friday-Saturday there will be sensitivity in your career. The idle full moon on Monday strengthens your social status and your ability to lead. From Tuesday to Thursday you will feel a high sensitivity, something is taking shape and patience is required of you.

Cancer sign (photo: no credit)Cancer sign (photo: no credit)


Relationships at home and in the family are balanced, there is harmony and commitment. You have a tendency to fatigue and dissipate energy, but it is important to be focused. Try to use yoga, martial arts, etc. Friday-Saturday are expected to be sensitive, intuitions are strong. These are good days for meditations, listening to music and relaxation.

The full moon in idleness on Monday will bring with it a strengthening of your career, possibly an event that will strengthen your status. Tuesday through Thursday are expected to be socially sensitive, you will feel nervous about change.

Leo (photo: no credit)Leo (photo: no credit)


Stabilization and balancing of relations in the immediate environment. You will feel calm in close relationships and understand what is right and how to change what needs to be changed. The process of old versus new continues to occur, but things are becoming clearer.

Friday-Saturday are expected to be sensitive, intuitions are strong, and you have a need for gathering and silence. The full moon in idleness on the first of the second strengthens you and your position and your beliefs in yourself, the enthusiasm also returns. From Tuesday to Thursday, stabilization in career is expected, despite the sensitivity and changes.

Virgo (photo: no credit)Virgo (photo: no credit)


Mercury in Virgo until Monday creates confusion and impulsiveness. You are in the process of a mental change, which requires energy and patience from you. Financially, you balance and stabilize, among other things thanks to the partnership or right partnerships.

Friday-Saturday are expected to be sensitive in relationships, and you are required to set boundaries. The full moon in Libra on Monday will bring with it an emotional strengthening, but there may be tensions in intimate relationships, which will pass as soon as they came. On Tuesday to Thursday, the beliefs that take shape will help you with the changes you are going through.

Libra (photo: no credit)Libra (photo: no credit)


Ahead of you is a harmonious week in relationships: relationships balance and stabilize, you enjoy them, and your charm stands out. This is a good time in relationships and partnerships, and a good time for dating.

Friday-Saturday are expected to be sensitive in the work environment, set boundaries. The full moon in Libra, in the house of relationships, on Monday may bring drama with it, try to be patient, it will pass as soon as it came.

Scorpio (photo: no credit)Scorpio (photo: no credit)


Relationships are forming and stabilizing for a significant change, which has been needed for a long time, and now seems possible. Your feeling about the relationship changes and stabilizes, and you feel harmony. An opportunity for a fateful relationship may come to those who are free or who are after a breakup.

Friday-Saturday are expected to be romantic and sensitive. The full moon in Libra, in the house of work, on the first of Monday may cause a dramatic event at work, which will put you in the center. Tuesday through Thursday are expected to be important, but also sensitive, in relationships.

Sagittarius (photo: no credit)Sagittarius (photo: no credit)


Relationships push you into action, but you must be focused and not waste unnecessary energy. Dating through friends or social groups is possible. You are popular, and your charm is attractive. Friday-Saturday are expected to be sensitive at home and in the family, you must set boundaries, otherwise you will be hurt.

The full moon in Libra on Monday will strengthen you romantically. Tuesday to Thursday will be a sign of stabilization at work and in terms of health. The change you need is starting to look possible.

Capricorn (photo: no credit)Capricorn (photo: no credit)


You are dominant in your career, and your influence is felt in the relationships that develop around you, which balance and become harmonious. There may also be romantic relationships that develop through your occupation. At work, keep focus. Friday-Saturday are expected to be sensitive, listen to your intuitions and don’t lose boundaries with those close to you.

The full moon in Libra on Monday may cause drama at home and in the family. Try to be patient, it will pass as soon as it came. From Tuesday to Thursday, a strengthening in the romantic field is expected, and a change you wanted becomes possible.

Aquarius (photo: no credit)Aquarius (photo: no credit)


Your beliefs about relationships begin to balance and become harmonious, and the change you need begins to seem possible. You are active when it comes to self-fulfillment and romance, but don’t be scattered, be focused and don’t waste energy in vain.

Friday-Saturday are expected to be financially sensitive, there may be large profits and/or large expenses and waste. The full moon in Libra on Monday may cause drama in the immediate environment, be patient, it will pass as soon as it came. From Tuesday to Thursday, emotional stabilization is expected at home and in the family.

Pisces (photo: no credit)Pisces (photo: no credit)


Tendency to confusion, misunderstandings and impulsiveness in relationships. Be patient. From Tuesday you will feel that intimate relationships are more harmonious and balanced. This is a good opportunity to enjoy them. The moon in your sign on Friday-Saturday will cause a high sensitivity, a need for silence and relaxation, so it is good to meditate, listen to music or do anything else relaxing.

The full moon in Libra on Monday will cause a financial event, which may also be related to the spouse. On Tuesday to Thursday the change you need will begin to seem possible.

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