Horoscope for Saturday April 28, 2023

by time news

2023-04-27 17:00:00

The Friday before the long weekend is always one of the best days of the year. And Saturday is capable of positively surprising someone, and disappointing someone? And here’s what the stars have to say about it.


The end of the week will surprise Aries, who, as usual, will be unprepared for prolonged idleness. Of course, this time he did not plan to do something for his family at the last minute, but such an absent-minded sign rarely keeps his word. Or at least remember him. Therefore, Saturday will pass in hectic preparations for a holiday with his family, if he intends, of course, to go somewhere with them and surprise them. If not, then Aries can already enjoy the weekend. And finally, hooray, no stress!


This moment has come! Tired to the limit both from hard work and from my own unpleasant thoughts, Taurus can take a deep breath. He has a few days ahead just for himself — and he must put them to good use! For those who planned a trip, it is better to choose a quiet and deserted place to relax only in the company of silence and beautiful landscapes.


While others think about May, Gemini will face financial problems. Unfortunately, the month is coming to an end, and they have not approached the budget planning very responsibly. Be that as it may, Gemini is a rather carefree sign who likes to have fun without paying attention to expenses. But now he has to experience the unpleasant consequences of recklessness. This does not mean that the Gemini will figure everything out on their own; rather, they will resort to the financial assistance of friends or family. But you shouldn’t do this. Believe…


The best advice for Cancers: do not argue over trifles. During any long weekend, when the whole family is either at home or forced to endure each other’s company during a trip, this can be difficult. However, it is better to compete for a positive atmosphere than to get involved in conflicts. Quarrels, retellings of past incidents or verbal skirmishes should be left for later … Or forget about it forever!

a lion

Leo will take advantage of the luck he has been enjoying for some time now. Before he starts thinking about the weekend, he will complete a few more professional cases – for a reason, of course. He will be able to make an excellent backlog in work, because his dedication at a crucial moment (when everyone is already focused on May Day) will be noticed by his boss. As a result, the boss will not only remember Leo for a long time, but also make a very good opinion about him.

/photo pexels


Those born under the sign of Virgo need to be patient. Saturday will not be a good day for them, on the contrary, unexpected problems will arise. Someone may misunderstand Virgo or overestimate their expectations, but this is his problem. In this case Virgo should be assertive but politeespecially if it depends on this person in some way.


Libra will feel that they are getting closer and closer to fulfilling their dreams. Instead of how to spend their free time, they are now thinking about something completely different. Libra should boldly go to their goalwithout caring about difficulties or other people’s opinions. They themselves know better what they do, not only well, but also what can bring them tangible benefits in the future. And people will always talk and gossip. The horoscope says there is nothing to worry about.

These zodiac signs are created for material well-being.


People born under the sign of Scorpio can count on a smile of fate. Today they will be at their peak. If something bothered them before, now the anxiety will pass like a dream, their mood and well-being will improve significantly. Scorpios will feel that they have a lot of energy, and besides, they just feel good in their body. They will definitely spend the last month of spring with benefit. and are already looking forward to the journey.


Sagittarius has successfully passed the time of testing and can celebrate because his life is moving towards the best. He or she should use May to relax and take up hobbies they don’t have much time for, and then… they can smoothly move on to realizing their ambitions. Sagittarius cannot be called hardworking, but if something is dear to them, they will make every effort and will fight for it.


The stars have one piece of advice for Capricorn: he needs to rest! He works too much, thinks too much, and worries too much about things that are not always within his control. No one can bear such a burden. Long weekends are a great opportunity to escape from the problems of everyday life. A trip out of town, contact with nature, peace and quiet can have a calming effect on even the most tormented soul.

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Aquarius must be careful about what and to whom he will say in the near future. He tends to be too outspoken in inappropriate circumstances., and yet he would not like to receive a very unpleasant lesson for the future. However, this is his only problem at the moment. May Aquarius will spend in the circle of his trusted friends, with whom he will go on a trip of his dreams or plan it for the near future. In general, this day will fly by so quickly that he will not even have time to look back, as he will forget about all his worries.


Pisces will start this day in a romantic mood; single people in particular will finally feel like they’ve found the right person for them. Unless he or she is from the sign of Gemini (the two signs are completely incompatible), the prospects for the future look very good. Horoscope promises – dating in the color of the coming May will give Pisces hope for a better, no longer lonely, future.

#Horoscope #Saturday #April

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