Horoscope today: This is how your stars are today on August 23, 2022 | life & knowledge

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Love, health, job: What’s in store for you today? What do you need to pay special attention to today? A look at your horoscope can answer these and other questions!

Whether Leo, Taurus, Aries, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio or Aquarius – for everyone Zodiac signs, there are daily astrological tips and hints.

Read her daily update here Horoscope what August 23, 2022 has in store for you for free!

astrological sign Leo

For the Zodiac Leo Today is a good day for: love, finances and family.

Tages-Trend: promising.

Job/Money: The planning of job interviews or other important appointments works well.

Love: Strong sex appeal. Singles get heart palpitations when they flirt, couples are close.

Health: Fit and resilient.

Tipp: Cook fresh in the evening. You now particularly enjoy good food.

star sign Taurus

For the Today is a good day for: family, health and love.

Tages-Trend: Strategically smart.

Job/Money: Skillful calculation pays off.

Love: The evening is a real highlight. You are adept at seducing or you could find what you are looking for as a single.

Health: You can build up stamina, but also develop more inner peace.

Tipp: Embark on far-reaching plans. You have all the important details at a glance.

Zodiac Aries

Today is for that Zodiac sign Aries a good day for: love, health and finances.

Tages-Trend: Chancenreich.

Job/Money: In business negotiations or applications you are in luck today.

Love: A little tense when it comes to lust and love.

Health: The more variety there is in everyday life, the better you feel.

Tipp: Do not postpone complicated tasks, but do them in the morning.

Zodiac Virgo

For the Zodiac sign Virgo Today is a good day for: finances, communication and exercise.

Tages-Trend: energetic.

Job/Money: A good day to conduct banking or loan negotiations on your terms.

Love: They are understanding and accommodating, which makes it easier to get along with one another.

Health: Sport is fun and not a chore.

Tipp: Don’t plan so much in advance. Today it is better to decide spontaneously.

star sign Gemini

For the Zodiac Gemini Today is a good day for: balance, communication and balance.


Job/Money: You consciously make sure that you do not fall into arrears with payment dates.

Love: Your partner wants more commitment from you.

Health: Not quite up to par.

Tipp: In the human area you have to show a lot of sensitivity today.

Zodiac Sagittarius

For the Zodiac Sagittarius Today is a good day for: communication, love and balance.

Tages-Trend: You show yourself from your best side.

Job/Money: You have financial opportunities, especially in trading and sales.

Love: Singles are communicative and quick to flirt. Couples only have eyes for each other.

Health: Wellness works cheaper.

Tipp: Celebrate the little joys of everyday life.

star sign Cancer

For the Zodiac Cancer Today is a good day for: finances, family and love.

Tages-Trend: Very positive.

Job/Money: Offers actually keep what they promise.

Love: Today your partner can expect erotic inspiration from you.

Health: Full of power. Today you can go to your physical limits.

Tipp: You are on a lucky streak, so use this day for ambitious projects and big goals.

Capricorn zodiac sign

For the Zodiac sign Capricorn Today is a good day for: love, family and exercise.

Tages-Trend: Newly motivated.

Job/Money: They work well and willingly and even achieve more than expected.

Love: Singles like to flirt. Couples enjoy hours of fun and the certainty of being able to rely on each other.

Health: You can look forward to an increase in energy and endurance.

Tipp: Trust your first impression, don’t let it fool you.

Zodiac Libra

For the Zodiac sign Libra Today is a good day for: communication, balance and health.

Tages-Trend: A little unstable in private, strong in business.

Job/Money: You can process good ideas quickly.

Love: tensions are possible.

Health: Today, a healthy lifestyle is easier for you.

Tipp: You need something new at home. Decorate a little and use fresh colors in your look.

star signs fish

For the Zodiac Pisces Today is a good day for: family, balance and health.

Tages-Trend: Not easy.

Job/Money: It’s important to get a second opinion. You could misjudge the situation.

Love: Differences with your partner can hardly be avoided. Singles are restless.

Health: Sensitive.

Tipp: You should consciously face tense stars with serenity and calm. Avoid conflicts.

Zodiac sign Scorpio

For the Zodiac sign Scorpio Today is a good day for: finances, love and exercise.

Tages-Trend: Particularly positive in the private sector.

Job/Money: You’re still working out the final details, and you need peace and quiet for that.

Love: Very sexy. Love has real highlights and special moments in store.

Health: They are mentally stable and physically active.

Tipp: Don’t procrastinate. Important projects are easier for you than on other days.


For the Zodiac Aquarius Today is a good day for: love, balance and communication.

Tages-Trend: Self confident.

Job/Money: It’s hard to keep the money together. You quickly pull out your wallet.

Love: You take your partner with you.

Health: Mentally strong, physically average.

Tipp: Be open to the views or doubts of others. Don’t block right away.

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