Horoscope: weekly forecast 06.11-12.11.2022 – Ramat Gan Givatayim News NEWS

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Here is the weekly forecast for children of all zodiac signs:

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Aries March 21 to April 19

You may be worried, anxious or restless. The thoughts and information you receive may be ambiguous, contradictory and confusing. You are likely to change your mind often, moving from one conclusion to another. It won’t be easy to make concrete decisions with confidence, and it’s probably not even worth trying. Additional information is required that has not yet reached you.

The weekly card: Ace of clubs

Ace of Wands usually signifies positive new beginnings, often related to work/career. If it’s been a little rough lately, know that things will likely get better soon. Ace of Staff suggests you to be optimistic and full of hope about your future, of course for a good cause! You are likely to feel quite energetic and positive or will feel that way soon. Now is a good time to start something new. So, what will you start?

Taurus April 20 to May 20

The next few days may bring disagreement due to changes in mood. Your emotional biases can influence your thoughts, and your intellectual reasoning can influence your feelings about a certain person or any subject. The best use of this strained energy is intense inner work. The recommendation is to look critically at both sides and then refine your ideas. Otherwise, the rush around will not end.

The weekly card: Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups is a card about choices. This often indicates confusion and can indicate a lack of organization and a situation where there are too many things going on around. In general, this card indicates a need to narrow your focus. When it appears, you probably try too hard and often take the steps, in a somewhat ‘lame’ way. Choose only from your things, and work on these items carefully. Remember, you can control what depends on you, what doesn’t depend on you, it’s better to let go.

Gemini May 21 to June 21

You should be more sensitive to the feelings of others. Heightened emotions and intuition enrich your intimate relationships and attract new people, especially sensitive and caring women or men. They will appreciate the way you share your feelings and will genuinely care about their feelings and overall well-being. A significant new relationship can begin.

The weekly card: Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands can indicate anxiety and worry as a result of burden and concerns. The first and best step is often to take a deep breath and relax. Don’t let the things you worry about overwhelm you. Take it one day at a time. It is likely that at least some of your worries will turn out to be imaginary. Try to think, what is the real probability of the occurrence that worries you? Comfort yourself, and if you need help, don’t hesitate to ask for it. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Cancer June 22 to July 22

The coming days bring balanced and rational thinking about your goals. You can impress your superiors with your ideas for improving productivity and teamwork. This is the right time to ask for a promotion or a raise, take tests and apply for a new job. Don’t hesitate, this week is in your hands, go for it.

Weekly card: Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is unlike many Swords cards because it brings an optimistic and cheerful energy. The Knight of Swords indicates that your physical, emotional and spiritual energy is at its peak. If you’re waiting for news from someone or something, you’ll probably like what’s coming your way soon. The Knight of Swords can also indicate many activities, trips and getting things done. Don’t wait for things to come, follow your heart’s desire.

Leo July 23 to August 22

Scrambled or polarized thinking in the coming days, may turn everyday problems into a difficult challenge, and even lead to disagreements and unnecessary arguments. Therefore, it is recommended that in sensitive discussion and negotiation issues, simply refrain for the time being. You must calm down all that storm of emotions that surrounds you, although it is difficult for you to be without answers, but the recommendation is to take a time out, reset everything and only then continue.

The weekly card: Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords is often a card that suggests anxiety and fear. Look closely, try to understand where that worry comes from, try not to blame other people or situations for these feelings. Pay attention to your breathing, it helps to feel calm. Try not to sink into anxiety, but if you feel anxious, check carefully whether or not all of this is within your power or control (so you can reduce it) or if other things or people in your life contribute to this anxiety. When you get to the root cause, you’ll know how to act.

Virgo August 23 to September 22

The coming days bring mental clarity and lively but harmonious discussions. Your thoughts and opinions become clearer, and you are eager to express them. This, along with increased curiosity and a willingness to learn, make this an excellent time for negotiations, deals, meetings and social activities. You may receive good news or meet new friends or business contacts.

The weekly card: two swords

The Two of Swords is often a card about partnership and balance. This usually refers to a “partnership” with one person, not a group. This card indicates a situation of ‘give and take’. None of us are always right 100% of the time, and everyone, to some extent, has something to offer. This card tells us that your partnerships are likely going well to some extent, whether friendship, romance or business. However, you need to consider the depth of your commitment to equality in these and whether you are being treated as an equal by your partners, if not, maybe it’s time to bring things back into balance. Nothing changes without effort.

Libra September 23 to October 22

The next few days are good for socializing. It seems that you won’t have to think about what to say, in practice you always adjust your feelings to the feelings of other people. In addition, it is also a good time to discuss family problems and family relationships. Your sensitivity this week and your caring will attract more people around, who will come to you to share their feelings as well.

The weekly card: Ace of Coins

When this card appears, it indicates enjoyment of a new beginning, and it is a very positive new beginning. Your health and vitality are expected to be at their peak. The appearance of this card is usually a sign of a turn for the better in terms of capital and wealth, and sometimes it can even indicate gifts of money or inheritance from unexpected sources. It is important to be optimistic and hopeful about the future. Things should be going well, in general, work-wise or personally, but either way, it’s going to be a good thing.

Scorpio October 23 to November 21

The next few days bring excitement and change but also tension and uncertainty. Unexpected news may force you to change plans. The constant pace of life increases, and there may be a disturbing feeling of a race in which you have to catch up. Be overly careful when planning plans or handling detailed paperwork. However, an increased ability to see things differently can lead to original ideas and creative breakthroughs.

The weekly card: The Hanged Man

The hanging person usually indicates a person who is at a crossroads, with only two options, i.e. in or out, up or down, yes or no. Maybe you want to do “something” but have no idea what it is or how to do it. If this happens, it is a clear sign that you need to stop, relax and look for ways. There may be old ways or approaches and it is recommended to give them up. You can best serve your own interests by being willing to change.

Sagittarius November 22 to December 21

You are full of emotions this week, which allows you to form close emotional connections with other people easily. In addition, it is a good time to enjoy reminiscing with family members. It is also a good time to share your feelings through written or spoken words. Now is the time to get things off your chest, especially about relationships, and talk about everything. A conversation with women and family members will be emotionally nourishing.

The weekly card: four coins

This card indicates holding on to certain things, people, money or situations for too long. When this card appears, it’s a sign that it’s time to take a hard look at what you’re holding onto and whether others are holding onto you in an unhealthy way. In general, this card can even indicate anxiety/fear of money and/or clinging to whatever makes you feel safe. The key here is to understand that being anxious and holding on, does not bring security. Remember, “If you love something, set it free…” This is exactly what the card is talking about.

Capricorn December 22 to January 19

Your thoughts seem to match your hidden intentions, which can make ideas flow easily into words that will turn any conversation into a celebration. Because you can express yourself so clearly and smoothly, this is the ideal time to negotiate a better deal in any area of ​​life, business, work or personal relationships. You can also play an important role as mediators in the personal sphere, this is important for you since it seems that there have been difficulties between friends or within the family recently.

Weekly card: King of Swords

The King of Swords often represents a strong, opinionated and forceful person. Try to understand if he represents you or maybe someone close to you. If the card speaks to you, try to change your behavior with others a little, consider the feelings of others before you act. You may need to change your behavior, thoughts and expectations. Force is not the way.

Aquarius January 20 to February 18

This week, the stability of your love relationship may be tested through unexpected impulses or events. An increased need for freedom and excitement can test your patience with a loved one or lead to wandering eyes. But a healthy relationship is strong and stable, especially with an open-minded partner. That’s why it’s important to always remember, a true relationship is something worth fighting for.

The weekly card: The Empress

The empress is the symbol of female power. It symbolizes sexuality, communication, mystery, fertility and more. She foretells us the need to be in touch with our feminine side, listen to our intuition, and prioritize our feelings and passions. It can indicate abundance coming to you.

Pisces February 19 to March 20

The coming days bring fluid communication at home and at work. You will have an excellent perspective on your current situation. You understand how you got to where you are, and can even imagine the best way forward. So make plans for your career and other personal goals. Be detailed and set timelines to improve your chances of success.

Weekly card: King of Suits

This card symbolizes wise, open, positive, adventurous male energy. This can indicate an abundance of energy that you tend to use positively. In general, this card is a positive sign. Even when it does not represent a person, it implies people around you who support your decisions and think only good of you.

Racheli Dror Degani.  Private photo
Racheli Dror Degani

The writer: Racheli Dror Degani– Tarot card reading and seeing the occult

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