Hospitalized after contracting dengue

by time news

A case of imported Dengue has been reported to the public health department of Florence. The ASL Toscana Centro announced this, explaining that the person contracted Dengue arbovirus following a stay abroad: a resident of the municipality of Florence, she was hospitalized “and her situation is under control”. The staff of the health authority carried out an epidemiological investigation to reconstruct the patient’s movements for disinfestation to eliminate any mosquitoes present: the intervention was carried out yesterday both in Florence, in the area of ​​via D’Ardiglione whose public garden, temporarily closed on Wednesday, was reopened yesterday afternoon, and in Impruneta where the person who contracted the disease appears to have stayed in recent days. Both interventions, explains the ASL, “were conducted, each for its own relevance, in agreement with the two Municipalities of Florence and Impruneta with the intervention of Alia. The population was warned in advance by the Public Hygiene of Florence with signs posted in the areas affected by the disinfestation and with direct door-to-door information interventions”. Dengue arbovirosis, it is recalled, “is a flu-like disease caused by a virus present in tropical and subtropical countries. It is transmitted through the bite of certain types of mosquitoes (genus Aedes) and there is no direct transmission from person to person. Therefore, even for the reported case, there is no risk of transmission or contagion. However, since among the mosquitoes that can transmit the disease there is also the tiger mosquito (Aedes Albopictus) which has been widespread in our territory for some years, the Municipalities of Florence and Impruneta, to protect public health and as an extreme precaution as also required by ministerial indications, have therefore taken action to organize disinfestation treatments in order to reduce the density of mosquitoes in the areas surrounding the residence in question”.

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