2024-08-28 05:45:53
Star television host and real estate agent Stéphane Plaza appeared on Thursday, August 28, before a Paris court of justice for violence against two former partners. The trial, before the 10th chamber of the Paris Criminal Court, is scheduled to begin at 1:30 pm.
But the host’s lawyers, Ms. Hélène Plumet and Carlo Alberto Brusa, plan to first file two important questions of the constitution (QPC) and null exemptions regarding procedural questions, said Me Plumet, contacted by Agence France-Presse.
If the court refuses one or another of these QPCs to be issued to the Court of Cassation, the trial may be postponed to the next day. whatever happens, “we are ready”convinced Me Plumet, who decided to plead for the release of his client.
Stéphane Plaza, 54, known for his various shows on the M6, is being prosecuted for “Physical violence and/or emotional violence by a partner” between August 2018 and April 2022 to one of his former partners, as well as for “Cultural sexual violence by a partner” against another woman between December 2021 and September 2022.
A total incapacity for work (ITT) of more than eight days was established for these two women, Amandine B. and Irma Paola R., after this violence. One of the QPC’s challenges is the method of calculating the ITT number given to claimants.
In the event of an ITT of more than eight days, the accused risks up to ten years of imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros. The penalty is five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros for an ITT of less than eight days.
The host, under judicial supervision, denied the allegations made against him.
During his police custody in March, it was Stéphane Plaza “reiterate that he is not violent, never has been and never will be”his lawyers responded at the time. According to them, Stéphane Plaza is the victim of “dangerous research” from a “Union among women”.
“Hope, threats, words and, for two of them, physical violence”
The charges against Stéphane Plaza began in September 2023, with publication by Mediapart testimony from three former colleagues, and fulfilled “humiliation, threats, verbal abuse and, for two of them, physical violence”.
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The research field is also mentioned “Problems” on the part of the organizer in a professional position.
The prosecutor opened an investigation into domestic violence in October 2023, after receiving letters from former partners of Mr. Plaza. “violence” committed during their relationship.
Initially a real estate agent, Stéphane Plaza became a star of the small screen when M6 took him, in 2006, to the show “House or house” then “Maison à vente” (2007) and “Chasseurs d’ apartment’ (2015).
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