“Hot in the ear” section: On Refaeli’s surprising debut song

by time news

these are for me In a brave step, she tried to challenge herself (and her listeners) by leaving a bit of the formulaic that characterized her previous songs (and succeeded) and chose more depth and maturity. “I wanted you to fly”, her new song, in which she also took part in the creation together with Guy Wiehlshe demonstrates maturity and seriousness (extreme, in my opinion) and admits that I still haven’t been able to eat it.

On the one hand, this song fits her voice and her range, although it is important and necessary to change direction, to develop and not stay stuck in one place, so this step is very welcome and suits her well, and on the other hand, the song was not so successful in swaying me musically. The text is standard and deals with the relationship between him and her, and the production is excellent, but something is still missing for me in the song. Maybe the expectation of a crushing chorus, which this time failed to excite me. However, I’m quite happy to get to know this side of Ella Lee and think she should stick with it.

When I was a kid, the song my mom used to play me over and over on the old cassette was “Indian Summer” by Joe Dassin, the French pop singer from the seventies, so I was so happy to see thatShay Hamber Simpela included a section of this song in her new song – “Eli Et Li Paris”, which is a song no less than perfect: also in the narrative text, the original one that comes out of the niche of “Bino La Bina” and yet remains within the limits of love, both in terms of Humber’s original sensational melody, and also the exciting performance And this special hit. Beyond “perfect” I have no other way to describe this song. A song you can’t help but fall in love with.

Nofer Salman, who doesn’t often release songs at a fast pace (and that’s a good thing), this week launched a song that intrigued me, “Babi”, which I can’t and don’t want to define musically because it has everything in it, but in my eyes it’s blues and shows a dose of total honesty, which Salman sings to her lover and shows the Her excellent vocal abilities. The personal text buys me and the complex and unusual arrangement well illustrates the mess that is in the head of the heroine of the song, when on top of all this one Salman proves that she is no less than a gunner.

One of the most exciting, Israeli compositions full of nostalgia for the Israeli culture of the past was born this week with “Brothers”, the new duet of Shlomo Artzi and Idan Amadi, written and composed by Artzi and musically produced by Dodo Tesa. Besides the connection between these two generations of talents, the old and the young, the two sing about days that once were, days of naivety and integrity or especially brotherhood and not brotherly hatred, they also pay tribute to Naomi Shemer, Zohar Argov and Eric Einstein, and above all sign the song with the hope that the same brotherhood and badness will return as before.

The melodic melody is catchy, the vocal combination between Amadi and Artzi is excellent and the chemistry and admiration of Amadi and Artzi is prominent and on the other hand, the appreciation of Artzi and Artzi is also present. A song full of light in a turbulent time.

Another successful connection that happened this week is that of Dodo Tesa and Shlomi Saranga In the song “Grandma Hana”, a song that I admit and confess did not grab me right away, but the more I got into it, the plot and the chorus – I was turned on to such an extent that the chorus ‘If I had anywhere’ does not leave my head when the 3:07 minutes of the song are finished.

The special production that combines rock and oriental with elements of pop, dance and disco merges with the catchy melody, and the vocal connection between Saranga (which I would like to hear a little more prominently in the chorus) and Tessa does not sound so natural, but it is intriguing and blends in nicely, alongside the text by Amir Lev And Tessa who is full of memories and longing for Grandma Hana (whose name is not mentioned in the text itself) who actually could be the grandmother of each and every one of us in the personal connotation. excellent song

Adi Beattywho came back to consciousness shortly after “The Singer in the Mask”, this week released “Disney”, a new song that is planned in principle to put her back on the map – but the result, in my eyes, is just the opposite: the song opens well with a catchy chorus, but that’s the only good thing about it: Beatty’s mixed beats They sound like a cheap and bad imitation of Noa Kirel, even on paper, the stanzas are not so catchy and the attempt to interweave the Disney fairy tales in the song is a cute idea, but with a forced and strained rhyme it is missed and not so interesting.

What is mainly less attractive in the song is Beatty’s singing: she is an excellent singer and her voice is excellent, but her clean singing here does not fit the style, not dirty enough for a pop song, even though the musical production does not so much lift her voice but rather sticks it in the same place. With a more catchy song, a rougher performance and a better musical production – the song had a chance to be reasonable, because the chorus and concept are good, but in practice it didn’t happen, which is a shame. An anemic and dry song. bungling. Too bad.

On Rafaeli Breaks into a musical career with a first song called “Sharita”. The truth is that I came to the song without many expectations, because usually actors/models/models who also turn to singing usually turn out to be more embarrassing than successful, but in the context of Raffaele I have a rather pleasant surprise: he sings well, the song catches the ear, also in terms of the pop and delicate musical production that is sewn to Rafaeli’s vocal measurements.

He doesn’t try to sing in scales that don’t suit him, is well aware of himself, and manages to make even his little frills cute. The text is personal and it is obvious that Rafaeli believes in what he sings, and while the song is good (and even more than that), I lack the twist that makes a big hit. However, not every song that is released has to become a hit and a first song, there is no doubt that Rafaeli has aroused the curiosity and interest, showed his musical talent and now the task of proving it is on him: to continue with a careful selection of songs like this song, to persevere and stretch the artistic boundaries. He is in the right direction. This opening is the good news for that.

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