Hotel event on time: A little bit of what’s always possible – travel

by time news

Wwhat should that be again? “The Lovelace”. “This is really happening” was written for months on the door of the former Bayerische Staatsbank at Kardinal-Faulhaber-Strasse 1, to the right and left of it you could see two fingers shaped into a victory sign. The address couldn’t be better: between Salvatorstrasse and Prannerstrasse, not far from Brienner Strasse and the Feldherrnhalle and also just around the corner from the Frauenkirche and Promenadenplatz. People shop here who don’t have to worry about money – everyone else is amazed at how spruced up and splendid and also deserted the city of Munich sometimes appears in their hearts in broad daylight.

Lovelace – Any orders for Linda?

Barbara Liepert

Responsible for the “Travel” department in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

The board members of the Hypo-Vereinsbank last resided in house number one, after the neo-baroque building was gutted and renovated for them in 2005. There was talk of a three-digit million sum. In 2011 the building was acquired by Bayerische Hausbau, which in turn belongs to the Schörghuber Group (hotels, breweries, real estate and salmon production). A luxury hotel with 150 rooms was to be built. On the other hand, the neighbors were up in arms, above all the head of the “Bayerischer Hof”, the five-star shed at whose pool Mario Adorf made film history as manufacturer Heinrich “I shit you something with my money” Haffenloher.

View from a former executive office, now a hotel room.

View from a former executive office, now a hotel room.

Photo: The Lovelace / Steve Herud

And now? Furniture and boxes and other things were carried in and out for months. “The Lovelace”. What does the name mean, what’s going on there now? Arts? Mathematics? Pornography? It starts with the pregnant name: do the creators refer to Linda or Ada?

“To Ada Lovelace,” says Gregor Wöltje, architect and co-operator of the project, as he guides through the building. “And on Linda a little too – but in her late role as an anti-porn industry activist.” Both ladies challenged the conventions of their time. Linda Lovelace was the stage name of the leading actress in the film Deep Throat, the highest-grossing film of all time based on the ratio of production costs ($25,000) to estimated gross revenue ($600 million). Linda got nothing from the money, but instead unlimited humiliation and beatings from her husband, as recently demonstrated in a very oppressive Hollywood film. “Deep Throat” was also the name of the secret source that supplied Bernstein and Woodward with information in parking garages at night in the Watergate scandal.

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