Hours of Anxiety: Dozens of anxious children were absent

by time news

During a trip of Talmud Torah children in Nahal Og – the trip leaders identified the absence of about 40 children who broke away from the large group and the guide. A short time later, during which rescue teams conducted searches for the children, all the missing were identified and some were even rescued.

Rescue teams this evening (Monday) searched for about 40 Talmud Torah children in Jerusalem, who were defined as missing after the group broke away from a large group of children and the attendant, during a fifth- through eighth-grade trip in Nahal Og.

According to police, skimmer crews and missing locating crews were called to the scene and conducted searches along the creek route.

Those who reported the incident to the police are the tour guides who identified the absence of the campers.

Police later updated that there were 42 missing in the incident – 18 of the boys were rescued and are in custody and 21 children were identified by the unit’s skimmer. Ground crews were on their way to them. And lighting of a foot crew on their way to them.

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