House of Representatives: Mr. Lekjaa presents in committee the draft regulation law relating to the execution of the FL 2022

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On this occasion, Mr. Lekjaa underlined that organic law n°130.13 relating to the finance law (LOF) contributed to raising the role of the settlement law, within the framework of the institutional debate, to the level of accountability concerning the relevance of public spending and the effectiveness of the public policies adopted.

In this regard, he explained that this approach was developed through the commitment of all ministerial departments and institutions in the performance project, as well as by the annexation to the draft regulation of the report on the performance, prepared by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, and the performance audit report prepared by the General Inspectorate of Finance.

Mr. Lekjaa also revealed that the number of ministerial departments and institutions engaged in the performance project for the year 2022 increased to 37, compared to 35 in 2021, noting the reduction in the number of objectives and of performance indicators with 391 objectives, including 109 which relate to the gender approach.

These achievements reflect continued efforts to improve performance monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, manifested in the government’s continued commitment to implementing the recommendations of the performance audit commissions, which welcomed the translation of the objectives set into fundamental issues of the strategies and skills of the departments concerned, and their convergence at the program level.

Furthermore, Mr. Lekjaa focused on the execution of the finance law for the year 2022 which was marked by the achievement of significant results, in particular with 462.44 billion dirhams (billion dirhams) of expenses carried out at the level of the general budget. And to specify that the forecast resources under the FL amounted to 360.63 billion dirhams, while the total received reached 374.21 billion dirhams, i.e. an achievement rate of 103.77%.

Concerning the special Treasury accounts (CST), the minister indicated that the expenditure made amounted to 131.17 billion dirhams and the revenue to 151.93 billion dirhams, i.e. an achievement rate of 154.43%.

Mr. Lekjaa also indicated that the operating expenses of the autonomously managed State Services (SEGMA) reached 2.1 billion dirhams and revenues stood at 4.32 billion dirhams, adding that investment revenues of these services were 1.44 billion dirhams.

In this sense, the minister underlined that the forecasts of the 2022 LF concerning the achievement rates recorded a rate of 115% for resources and 81% for expenses.

In terms of balance between resources and expenses, Mr. Lekjaa noted that the General Budget recorded a negative balance of 88.23 billion dirhams, while the CST achieved a surplus of 20.75 billion dirhams and the SEGMA a surplus. of 3.19 billion dirhams. Thus, the execution of the FL 2022 revealed an excess of charges on resources, set at 64.28 billion dirhams by the settlement bill.

In reaction to the data presented by the minister, several parliamentarians welcomed the measures taken by the government in 2022 to improve the situation of public finances compared to the previous year, and the positive evolution of revenues from the General Budget, despite a difficult economic situation. unfavorable global situation, appreciating the approach adopted by the Executive which favored strengthening the role of the social State to the detriment of reducing the budget deficit.

At the same time, they called for raising the institutional debate, particularly between the legislative and executive institutions, in particular in matters of governance of public finances, modernization of their management and strengthening and improvement of the principles of accounting, evaluation and of transparency, emphasizing the need to give the required importance to the settlement bill, as is the case for the FL, in terms of examination, discussion and vote.

The deputies also insisted on the importance of strengthening synergy between the government and parliament to establish rules of good governance in all state functions, from planning to programming, including execution. , the control and evaluation of programs and operations carried out by public bodies, in particular in the face of the challenges and constraints imposed by a difficult international situation.

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