House Republicans search for new GOP speaker nominee after Jim Jordan exits race: CNN

by time news

Title: House Speaker Nominee Tom Emmer Gains Momentum in GOP Race

Subtitle: Emmer’s chances remain uncertain amidst fierce competition for the position

Date: [Current Date]

In the race to secure a new House speaker nominee, Tom Emmer, the GOP whip, has emerged as a strong contender, generating support from Republicans across the ideological and geographic spectrum. With an advantage heading into the secret-ballot election scheduled for Tuesday, Emmer’s campaign is gaining momentum, according to insider sources within the Republican party.

However, the crowded field poses challenges for Emmer, as at least seven candidates have been tirelessly working to secure the majority of support within the conference. The intense competition makes it difficult to fully assess Emmer’s chances of winning the nomination.

Even if Emmer were to secure the nomination, concerns remain about his ability to gather the necessary 217 votes on the floor. Members of the hardline House Freedom Caucus, known for their skepticism towards the GOP leadership team, could potentially resist Emmer’s candidacy.

The urgency to find a new GOP speaker nominee arose after Rep. Jim Jordan withdrew from the race last Friday. The House has been without a speaker for over two weeks since Kevin McCarthy’s unprecedented removal earlier this month.

Minnesota Representative Tom Emmer addressed his colleagues in a letter on Saturday, expressing his intention to seek the speakership with the commitment to bring “historic change.” His candidacy received an early boost when McCarthy endorsed him for the position, adding weight to his campaign.

McCarthy, endorsing Emmer, urged his House colleagues on Sunday to elect him but did not rule out the possibility of pursuing another speakership run himself.

“He’s been in the room with all of our successes,” McCarthy said of Emmer. “He sets himself head and shoulders above all those others who want to run.” McCarthy emphasized Emmer’s experience and readiness to assume the role, stating that the next speaker should be prepared to lead from day one.

When asked about returning to the position, McCarthy once again declined, asserting, “I don’t need the title. I’m going to help in any way I can.” Despite fully supporting Emmer, McCarthy intends to continue leading and assisting in any capacity to protect America.

As the countdown to Tuesday’s secret-ballot election continues, the GOP remains in search of a new speaker nominee. Tom Emmer’s campaign is steadily gaining traction, but uncertainties loom over his chances amidst the highly competitive field. House Republicans eagerly await the election’s outcome to determine the future leadership of their party.

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