Housing forms the working group to regulate seasonal rentals as soon as possible — idealista/news

by time news

2023-12-22 13:57:40

He Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda (Mivau) has constituted the working group created to advance a regulatory proposal for the regulation of rental contracts for use other than housing.

The main objective of this group is to address the problems that are occurring due to decrease in the rental supply of habitual residence as a consequence of destination of a good part of the existing housing stock to other rental categories, as explained by the Ministry of Housing in a statement.

“Among the objectives that the Ministry wants to achieve include the establishment of mechanisms to avoid evading compliance with the LAU and try to safeguard seasonal rentals that really are, such as those for students or temporary workers,” highlighted the Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Agenda, David Lucas.

The working group seeks to advance a regulatory proposal that serves as regulatory support for housing for students, for temporarily displaced workers, or other situations that may require a specific duration or conditions different from those of the rental contract. living place.

“The Working Group must give itself enough time to make an effort of consensus and also of rigor to try to ensure that the supply of housing is not reduced. Therefore, it will try to work as quickly as possible, taking into account Keep in mind that finally the text that comes out of here will go through the Congress of Deputies, with the parliamentary route of negotiation and debate as well,” Lucas explained.

For its part, the casuistry of tourist housing regulated in the sectoral regulations will be the subject of a specific working group that will be convened by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and where the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda will also participate, they assure from Housing. .

The creation of this group was included in the fifth additional provision of Law 12/2023, of May 24, on the Right to Housing.

This first meeting, held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda on Friday, December 22, was attended by the Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Agenda, David Lucas; and the general secretary of Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture, Iñaqui Carnicero.

Other representatives of the General State Administration of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business, Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and the General Secretariat of Economic Affairs and G20 of Presidency of the Government.

On the part of civil society The representatives of the Council of Associations of Property Administrators, General Council of the Associations of Real Estate Agents, unions Workers’ Commissions and General Union of Workers, Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations, Union of tenants and Confederation of Chambers of Urban Property and Associations of Urban Property Owners.

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