Housing law, political oxygen for the Government in the middle of the war for the “yes is yes”

by time news

The housing law is today the only cohesive element that can save the coalition Executive in full maelstrom due to the frontal clash to reform the law on Sexual Freedom. While an agreement for the “only yes is yes” it is unfeasible Among the parties that make up the Government, housing legislation is one of the unavoidable commitments of the Executive, given the marked social nature of the norm. That PSOE and Unidas Podemos can unblock The agreement seems like the political oxygen that both need to convey to public opinion the viability of the coalition after their bloodiest conflicteither. It also makes it possible to deactivate criticism from the opposition which, given the good progress of the economy, has placed the existing division in Moncloa as the main axis of wear and tear on the Government. However, to this day, this possible respite is still on the wire.

In Moncloa they are aware that it is one of the most anticipated initiatives by the electorate, not only progressive, and it would be an important boost for the regional and municipal candidates of PSOE and Unidas Podemos for the next campaign, especially in Barcelona and Madrid. The housing law has been entrenched since the beginning of the coalition government. A reason for constant struggle between the partners and that was used by Podemos as a condition to approve the first two budgets of the legislature. It was, in fact, one of the demands that ex-vice president Pablo Iglesias defended most vehemently, who ended up leaving Moncloa without complying with it. In the socialist part of the Executive, the deadline was given last March to approve it definitively, reaching an agreement with Podemos, but the conditions of the purple ones have made it impossible to close an agreement that It is “practically done”, according to government sources.

The fringes relating to the regulation of rental prices and the index that regulates the year-on-year rise in the housing market, are the points of friction for the purple, despite the fact that the PSOE denies it. The truth is that the negotiation that accelerated at the beginning of the year has been stagnant since in the Ministry of Economy will review the fine print of the law and demand that the limit for annual rent increases be less rigid than the one proposed by United We Can.

The Socialists, for their part, take it for granted that the legislation will be approved in the coming weeks and that the vote will arrive in full before the sessions are suspended for the regional elections, according to confirmed sources consulted. In this way, he pressures his partner to accept the Economics proposal. «It would not be understood that we did not reach an agreement. It is a problem that we must solve, the citizens demand it, and we have made it a State policy, “say government sources.

Meanwhile, in the purple wing they deny an immediate agreement and even go so far as to warn that, today, the norm is “paralyzed at a level that may not come out,” according to sources from Podemos. The purples pressure the PSOE to agree to their requests and condition it as a “real” possibility of revalidating the coalition government, however, in the socialist part they dismiss any pressure and ensure that the ultimatums of their partners are “business as usual” and that they cannot afford the luxury of the law not coming out. Finally, it will be Sánchez and Díaz who ratify the agreement.

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