How an investor can protect himself from geopolitical risk

by time news

Geopolitics has again come to the fore in the past few days: the exact dates and times of the alleged invasion of the Russian army into Ukraine began to appear in the Western media, and the governments of the United States and European countries recommend their citizens to leave Ukraine. Such rhetoric leads to increased volatility in the markets, despite the fact that Russian officials have repeatedly denied plans for an “invasion”. Vedomosti asked analysts which assets to invest in, which shares to reduce in the portfolio, and which ones to get rid of.

The protective part of the portfolio should be increased at times of increased volatility, says Grigory Ostrovsky, senior portfolio manager at Sber Asset Management. One of the basic approaches to rebalancing a portfolio during a period of high volatility is to increase the share of cash in the portfolio until the situation on the market stabilizes, says Marat Reichel, Finam Investment Advisor.

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