How an unfaithful man kisses: 3 signs that your heart is shared

by time news

It is said that the kisses are the “thermometer” of a relationship, but they also reveal some traits of the other; for example, if our couple has a divided heart. In other words, it is a person who is with both. SLIDE the PHOTO and discover How does an unfaithful man kiss?

There is a deep debate about whether a kiss is infidelity According to a study carried out by a specialist in psychology for the publication YouGov, 60% of the gentlemen consider that it is not. They even consider that it is an action that could be forgiven.

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That they steal a kiss is infidelity?

Before addressing the issue you have to be in disagreement with, what is infidelity? According to American Psychological Association, cheating occurs when in a relationship one of the parties becomes emotionally or sexually involved with another person.

The infidelity usually happens in secret. However, its damage loses leading the deceived person to experience a Low self-esteem, even reaching depression.

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How to know if my partner kissed someone else?

It is undeniable that each couple is unique and establishes what is and what is not allowed. If in your case, monogamy is an agreement, then the following will interest you, since it reveals whether your partner kiss someone other than you.

1- Kiss with your eyes open. Some people who open their eyes when kissing want to be in control of their feelings. The reason why we close our eyes is in order to have complete concentration on the action being performed and on the person who accompanies us.

Opening your eyes while kissing can also be to keep your distance from the person. That is to say, He doesn’t want a commitment.

2- His way of kissing changes overnight. It is true that in sexuality it is very important to innovate, but regularly it is something that is talked about. In the case of a kiss, if you introduce bites or caresses with your lips that you have never tried before, it may be a sign of something.

3- shallow kisses There are people who, when they establish a sexual relationship with someone else, lose complete interest in the person who is their partner. As part of this they shy away from kisses with tongue or that induce a deeper intimacy.

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When does a kiss count as infidelity?

The definition of infidelity can vary depending on people and relationships. Some couples may have an explicit or tacit agreement that any sexual or romantic contact with another person is considered infidelity, while others may have broader or narrower limits.

In general, it is considered that a kiss counts like infidelity if it goes against the agreements and expectations of the couple. If your partner considers kissing with other people to be off-limits in your relationship, then a kiss with someone else can be considered a breach of trust and agreed upon boundaries.

It’s important to put attention on infidelity not only involves physical actions, but also emotional oness. If your partner has an emotional or intimate connection with another person that goes against your relationship expectations and agreements, it can also be considered a form of infidelity.

Ultimately, it’s best to have clear and open communication with your partner to discuss your boundaries and expectations as to what counts as cheating in your relationship. This way, both of you will be on the same page and can avoid situations that could harm your relationship.

These signs of how an unfaithful man kisses, it does not mean that it is a test. You have to talk to your partner, and it is best to rely on a health expert.

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