How are you? Plan to compare smallpox – human ? Doctors insist that the virus risk vaccine is not necessary.

by time news

virus specialist unfold the information disclosure plan Genetic transcription of smallpox and smallpox with clarification of doubts Many people are worried that monkeypox will mutate into human smallpox. that ever spread around the world or not and when infected with chickenpox Will I be vaccinated later, or should I be vaccinated first? Thai people who have had vaccinations for 10 years still have immunity or not? While Dr. Somsak pointed out that Thailand is not necessary. Rushing to find a vaccine to prevent smallpox!!?

Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana virologist Director of Animal Health Innovation Research Group and Management Center for Genetic Engineering And the National Biotechnology (Biotech) posted information disclosure. Genetic transcription, monkey pox, human smallpox and vaccination. Via personal Facebook Anan Jongkaewwattana on May 24, 2022 stated that

This phylogenetic tree shows approximate information. virus genetics orthopoxvirus, which is also included in monkeypox (MPXV), MPXV is divided into two groups. is

1. The WA (West Africa) clade

2. CB (Congo Basin or Central Africa) clade

The difference between these two clades is not much. But their ability to cause disease is different. The strain in question is WA, which is a mild strain. The mortality rate is much lower than CB.

The diagram also shows that human smallpox, or Variola virus, is very different from monkeypox. causing concern that monkeypox will mutate like human smallpox almost impossible along the evolutionary path of the virus

What’s interesting in this picture is the virus we use to develop further. The vaccine against smallpox or human smallpox is Vaccinia virus, which is in the middle between monkeypox and human smallpox. A careful analysis of this diagram shows that the Vaccinia virus is evolutionarily or genetically closer to monkeypox than human smallpox.

If vaccines from Vaccinia virus used for vaccination It can be used to protect people from smallpox as well. until the virus Can disappear from nature and the vaccine is close to the smallpox monkey. more than smallpox for no reason That makes me worried that if smallpox will cause a widespread epidemic problem, this vaccine will not work. old technology That doesn’t need to upgrade anything at all.

Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana also posted that because Monkeypox has a long incubation period (21 days). make people infected enough time for the body Can build immunity in time before the virus starts to multiply in the body.

This is why the Monkeypox vaccine can be given to: Those at risk of exposure to the virus, the CDC recommends that can vaccinate Up to 4 days after exposure, because antibodies from the vaccine catch up before the virus begins to multiply in large numbers. But if the vaccine After 4-14 days of exposure, the landscape may not fully grow. which is likely to get sick But I believe that the symptoms of the disease will be less … the best is the risk of vaccination right away.

This information is very important because, with enough vaccines, Monkeypox will be much easier to control than COVID-19. because of the covid-19 vaccine can’t do this

Reference information from the CDC website: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Click to see more : (Monkeypox and Smallpox Vaccine Guidance)

side Prof. Dr. Teerawat Hemajuta Head of Emerging Disease Health Sciences Center Chulalongkorn Hospital, the Thai Red Cross Society has posted on Facebook Thirawat Hemajuta Thiravat Hemachudha mention information smallpox vaccination How long will it last? On May 24, 2022, stated that

In the era of monkeypox, it was believed that people who had been vaccinated with smallpox (in Thailand discontinued vaccination in 1980). Will still be able to prevent monkey pox about 85%, but the immune system must still be good.

A study in the New England Journal since 2007. Of the 45 personnel working at the Oregon Lemur Center, blood samples were taken. periodically continuously On average about 15 years, approximately 60% are still immune.

Assessed that The half-life is approximately 90 years. and is a mechanism of memory B cells independent long lived plasma cells (not dependent-short lived).

However, it must be noted that not everyone has been vaccinated against smallpox. It can prevent monkey pox as mentioned above.

And modern vaccines are still used for people at very high risk. although there may be side effects Smallpox vaccine in ancient times that can cause encephalitis. although not much But the mortality rate is as high as 50 percent. (Recommend article from Dr Judd Chontavat)

While Dr. Somsak, president of the Royal College of Pediatricians of Thailand, revealed that “smallpox” Thailand has not found a patient. and never met much before country risk There is no need to rush to vaccinate vaccinations because the epidemic is still in a limited range. While the vaccine has but stopped since 1980 repeat! The vaccine is leaven more risky Giving in people with low immunity May cause infection spread throughout the body and risk death

Today, May 26, 2022, Hfocus website, in-depth health system has published information stating that Prof. Dr. Somsak Loh Secretary, President of the Royal College of Pediatricians of Thailand said that smallpox Haven’t found a patient in Thailand yet. and have never seen a patient in Thailand before Patients are usually found in Africa.

But now that every country has to worry and increase surveillance measures due to an outbreak in some European countries and found patients in many countries who said they did not have a history Have been to Africa before, indicating that the infection has spread in that country.

However, it was found that the patients had a history of linking participation in an activity with a large group of people And from many countries and there are activities that come in close contact with each other, causing infection in many countries but still found limited spread of infection and specific groups in which this disease is primarily an infection also need to be in close contact Being exposed to the secretions of infected people and spreading the infection. Stages with symptoms, such as blisters or sores, make them noticeable.

Prof. Dr. Somsak also said that 5 professional medical organizations issue a letter of clarification smallpox case by stating that one smallpox vaccine It will prevent chickenpox as well. but still not necessary the general public Must hurry to find this vaccine. due to this disease It is still considered a limited epidemic. Live abroad and Thailand has never encountered this infection before. Still considered at risk of spreading the disease is low. Vaccination of cowpox that prevents smallpox and smallpox therefore it is not necessary must hurry now andPeople who have received this vaccine It can still prevent disease. Studies have shown that after 80 years, immunity can still be used to prevent it.

Reference and thanks for information from:

Facebook : Anan Jongkaewwattana (Dr. Anan Jongkaewwattana)

Facebook : Thirawat Hemachutha Thiravat Hemachudha

Website : Hfocus Insights into the health system

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