How artificial intelligence can improve emergency diagnoses

by time news

S. M.


Updated:05/03/2022 12:16 p.m.


When a person has a health problem and goes to the Emergency Room worried, they need an effective solution as quickly as possible. The field of new technologies, always in constant innovation, is favoring immediate results and there are many benefits that, for example, the artificial intelligence in the field of medicine, and more specifically in the Emergency services we are talking about.

It is common to see in these hospital spaces patients suffering from various injuries such as sprains, fractures, fissures or pneumothorax, for example, pathologies that are not always clear to the naked eye when making the diagnosis. From now on, artificial intelligence software can analyze the radiological images of these patients and confirm if there is any pathology, helping the Emergency doctor to make a diagnosis.

«The software provided by artificial intelligence is very useful for the Emergency Service because it supports us in the diagnosis of pathologies in which we may have doubts”, values ​​the doctor Harold Garcia Fernandezmedical coordinator of the Emergency Department of the Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital.

Moreover, it highlights that since they use it, decisions with patients are streamlined, while greater safety is provided, especially in the case of small fractures or fissures, which are sometimes difficult for them to identify. “In it chest area Emergency physicians are perfectly prepared for the diagnosis of pictures of pneumonia, pleural effusions or pulmonary nodulesbut it always helps that a program supports what we observe, “he adds.

The introduction of Artificial Intelligence for the analysis of radiographs in the emergency room, in bone radiology, is very useful for the detection of fractures, as well as in chest radiology in order to detect various pathologies such as pneumonia, pneumothorax, effusion pleural, pulmonary nodules, rib consolidations and fractures

For this reason, having this software can be essential when it comes to obtaining more precise diagnoses, according to Dr. Vicente Martínez, head of Diagnostic Imaging at Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital: «The introduction of Artificial Intelligence for the analysis of X-rays in the emergency room, in bone radiology, it is very useful for the detection of fractures, as well as in chest radiology in order to detect various pathologies such as pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, pulmonary nodules, consolidations and rib fractures, among others. others».

Precisely, the Diagnostic Imaging Service of this Madrid hospital center has installed an artificial intelligence assistant for radiological image analysis, which will improve the accuracy of diagnoses. Dr. Martínez de Vega stresses in this regard that a radiologist who is an expert in fractures has a sensitivity of 93%, a percentage similar to that enjoyed by this software developed by the company Arterys, and higher than that of a doctor not specifically trained in radiological analysis .

“This software is capable of detecting and marking the pathology in the X-rays, with sensitivities greater than 90%, and this is a sensitivity practically similar to that of an expert radiologist. In just two minutes, the X-ray is back and already with the information provided by artificial intelligence; before the patient arrives at the Emergency Department again from the Radiology service, the result is available”, highlights the head of the Diagnostic Imaging service.

How is the analysis process?

Meanwhile, Dr. Harold García, coordinator of emergencies of the Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud Madrid, highlights that this type of application of Last generation they increase the safety of the physician, as well as the precision in the diagnoses, since there are certain fractures and fissures that cannot be identified with the naked eye in the X-ray. “The Emergency doctor makes the request for the X-ray and once the patient has it, in less than 3-5 minutes that reading is obtained by artificial intelligence in the system,” continues the specialist.

Specifically, he explains that when the patient undergoes an X-ray in the Emergency Room, the image is sent to a specific server in artificial intelligence which, in just two minutes, analyzes the image and offers three types of answers: absence of pathology, image with diagnostic doubt (in which it would be necessary to consult a radiologist) or pathological image where the affected area and the suspicious pathology are marked.

Greater response speed

In turn, Eva Díaz Arza, Radiology technician at Quirónsalud Madrid Hospital, gives the example of a wrist injury, where the usual projections can be made, but an accurate diagnosis cannot be achieved at first, which is achieved thanks to this program of Artificial Intelligence, where it can be demonstrated, for example, a small fissure that predictably in a first analysis or at first glance would not be seen.

«Artificial intelligence applied to Emergency Radiology services increases diagnostic reliabilityat the same time that it provides a quick response and gives certain security both to the diagnostic imaging service, responsible for that image, and to the Emergency Department that things are being done well and very safely for the patient”, emphasizes the doctor Martinez deVega.

Moreover, it maintains that this program expands the artificial intelligence project being developed by the Diagnostic Imaging Service of the Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital, which began in 2017 together with Arterys in the training of an artificial intelligence for the analysis of cardiac magnetic resonances. .

“This new tool improves the quality of care offered to patients and gives more security to the work carried out by Emergency physicians since, if the software does not detect pathology, we can trust that it will be so”, says the doctor Martinez de Vegaresponsible for the aforementioned hospital service at Quirónsalud Madrid.

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