How beautiful are the French roads!

by time news

Whether you’re sweating in a 41°C red zone, in an orange region, or narrowly escaping it because you’re a blessed Corsican in your green zone, don’t be discouraged. When on Sunday, once the heat wave has passed, leaving your home becomes something conceivable again, there is a good chance that you will come across something that visibly arouses the envy of many foreigners: the French road, beautiful and sure of its state.

In any case, this is what the articles published in the foreign press this week suggest. (Precision: those that we have the right to quote on an election weekend; the others were certainly more numerous. But we will act as if we had not read them to respect the law.)

Safe roads, first. This is Bloomberg who sees it. Long at the same level as that of the United States concerning the death rate on the roads, the French curve separated from the American from the 1990s to descend ever lower, while across the Atlantic road safety is qualified as “national crisis”. Reason for the end site

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