How can I apply for INSS retirement online

by time news

How can I apply for retirement at the INSS online See how to use the online application In times when the internet moves the world, find out how ask for your internet retirement Doesn’t seem like such a distant reality, does it?

Since 2018, there has been MY INSS. This platform aims to make it easier for the insured person to request numerous benefits and even retirement. It can be accessed either by site as well as by apps available from the PlayStore or AppStore.

For the insured person who has all the documentation at hand, organized and complete, making the request through the platform can make life easier for this worker. However, not performing the procedure correctly can bring some headaches and, in some cases, even having to request the benefit again from the INSS.

If you continue to follow this article, we will teach you step by step how to apply for retirement online.

How to apply for retirement online: MY INSS

Before learning how to apply for retirement over the internet through MY INSS, it is necessary to carry out some procedures. The first concerns registration on the platform. If you still don’t have one, we recommend reading the article about how to create a record in MY INSS.

Another crucial point is to check whether all contribution times are correct in CNIS. This is because there are often periods that may not be in the INSS system or may not be correct. This could interfere with the calculation of retirement. Therefore, the orientation is to carry out this conference before starting the procedure.

Carrying out the retirement calculation can be fundamental before applying for the benefit. This way you can identify which rule you already meet the requirements for. We have already commented here on the blog the importance of carrying out a complete pension calculation before applying for your benefit.

Another tip is to have all documentation already scanned on your computer. This makes it easy to attach documents. With the documentation in hand, registration done on the platform and the certainty that everything is complete, we can proceed with the step by step.

1st step: select the option “ask for retirement”

Within the system, there will be several icons to select from. Choose what you mention ASK FOR RETIREMENT. It is important to point out that within this menu there will be retirement by age, retirement by contribution time, among others.

Here you need to know the type of retirement that you will apply for online and one may be more beneficial than the other. Therefore, it is important to know which one will bring the most benefits in your case.

Step 2: Choose your retirement option

As already mentioned, when it comes to retirement, it is essential to know which one suits your profile so as not to stop the 2nd step. The insured can apply for retirement by contribution time or by age, whether urban or rural. Also, retirement for people with disabilities, in addition to those granted in other countries that have an international agreement signed with Brazil.

Step 3: Answer the requested information

Once the online retirement modality is chosen, the platform will ask some questions in order to complement your benefit. For example, if you have special time, rural, out of the country, if you have worked as a civil or military civil servant, or as a teacher.

Once this is done, the INSS will ask if you authorizes the data and if you want to change the date you entered with the application to the day you truly met the requirements for the benefit. Reply SIM.

4th step: fill in the data and attach the documents

Time to send all the documentation that proves the veracity of all the data you have filled in and answered so far. Keep all documents that contain your contribution history separate and organized close to you. If possible, already have all these documents scanned.

It is possible to scan the documents using the cell phone camera. Images need to be sharp. There are many completely free applications that perform this type of procedure. You documents to retireas a rule, are:

The platform has a 50MB limitation for sending files. Stay tuned. All documentation that has your insured history is precious to obtain your retirement, so if any doubt arises about the document, forward it in the same way. Better to sin for excess than lack of it, right?

5th step: finalize the operation

Closing the protocol, it will be necessary to inform the zip code of your residence so that the platform indicates the nearest Social Security service post.

A field for banking information will also appear. If you’ve done everything right up to this point, a summary of all the information you provided will now appear on your screen and a request for confirmation that the statements are all true. Check the box that says you have read and confirmed the information above, then click next.

Your order was completed successfully and now all you have to do is follow up on the Meu INSS platform the retirement analysis and whether your request will be granted or denied by the institute.

Importance of a professional specialist in the social security area

In this content you learned how to apply for retirement on the internet. As it was possible to see, even though the procedure may seem simple, it is necessary to pay attention to the details. Therefore, have all the documents at hand, check the CNIS and make your retirement calculation.

If you have any questions about the procedure or about which retirement to choose, seek help from a social security professional. This professional can assist in planning your benefit, verifying social security calculations and the correct contribution period.

This content is part of a series that teaches about the functioning of the MY INSS platform, including how to apply for retirement over the internet. Our goal is to bring information to policyholders so that they can fight for their rights.

Source: Carbonera & Tomazini Advogados | Special Retirement MixVale Partner

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