How can I be an organ donor: dispel the myths and give life

by time news

2023-04-24 16:06:00

Organ donation is essential to save the lives of people with conditions that lead to organ failure. However, there are still misconceptions around. we tell you how you can be an organ donor: dispel the myths and give the gift of life.

“Donating organs is giving life”, We have heard it more than once. And it is thatBy doing so, we allow those healthy organs and tissues to be transplanted to others, being able to help up to 50 peopleaccording to United States National Library of Medicine.

While most donations occur when a person passes away, others can be made while they are still alive. From the age of 18, we can express our desire to donate in the event of death, although our relatives can also give authorization.

Quinceañera donates her organs; they fire her with her dress

Becoming a donor can happen at any time; that is, death tends to occur untimely. This was the case of a fifteen-year-old who lost her life after suffering brain death.

This is usually caused by head trauma, bleeding in the brain from an aneurysm, and attacks by fungi and viruses.

Photo @Your_IMSS

He Mexican Social Security Institute released this story, and how this heroine saved the lives of 5 people, each of whom will receive one of her organs.

Before entering the operating room, the young woman wore her XV-year dress and was fired among words of love and gratitude from her relatives.

How can I be an organ donor?

Each country has its procedures regarding organ donation. In Mexico, the General law of health establishes that it consists of the tacit or express consent of the person so that, while alive or after his death, his body or any of its components are used for transplants.

according to Government of Mexicois a tacit donation when a possible donor did not state in a document the refusal for their organs to be used, so consent is obtained from those who are present, according to their level of kinship.

By contrast, the express refers to expressing in writing or verbally the willingness to donate your organs while alive or after death. This can be broad or limited, depending on whether it will be a total or limited availability of its components.

Photo iStock

In Mexico, it is possible to process the “Official Donation Document”an official format to express the express consent to donate organs, tissues and cells after death, and the Volunteer Donor Card.

In the first case, the express and irrevocable consent to donate your organs after your death is manifested and, the second, is a means of communication that expresses the desire to be a donor. This must be given to a family member so that he can support the decision.

How to process my voluntary donor card?

Today it is possible to get Volunteer Donor Card online, through the website of the National Transplant Center: , or physically in a State Transplant Center or Council, as well as in a health institution.

Enter the page, register your information and they will give you a receipt of the procedure, as well as the voluntary organ and tissue donation card that you can print. Be careful, you must inform your relatives about this decision and wish, because in case of death they will be the ones who have the last word.

If what you want is to obtain your official document to express your express and irrevocable consent to donate your organs after your death, you must go to the National Transplant Center or the State Transplant Centers with your current official identification and two witnesses, the process is gratuitous.

Photo: Cenatra

Who can donate their organs?

Candidates for donation are those living people of legal age who are in good health and, after life, potential donors are those over 2 years of age, although it will depend on the assessment made by the doctors, the cause of death and the consent of the parents or relatives.

In general, the National Transplant Centerexplain what, it is donated in cases of brain death or cardiac arrest, provided that the organs and tissues are viable for transplantation.

In this sense, it is important to highlight that there is no age limit to donate after life, everything will depend on the medical assessment. Only those people with a mental disability that prevents them from freely expressing their will cannot donate during life or after death.

At the time of death, authorized personnel approach the relatives to inform them about the possibility of donating and they will be the ones who make the decision, which is why communication is needed. The same happens in case you do not wish to donate.

Photo iStock

What organs and tissues can I donate?

What we can donate will depend on different factors. For example, while you are alive, you can donate a kidney, a segment of liver, lung, intestine, pancreas or hematopoietic cells (bone marrow). In the case of donation after death, the cause of death will depend.

According to specialists, in brain death (when the functions of the neurological structures cease irreversibly), the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestine and pancreas can be donated, as well as tissues (corneas, bones, skin, tendons and blood vessels).

By contrast, if the patient dies of cardiac arrestUsually only tissue can be donated.

About whether it is possible to donate directly to a family member, The General Health Law in Mexico contemplates directed donation, as long as it is compatible and meets the required medical and legal criteria.

5 myths and truths about organ donation

One of the most common fears about organ donation is that your body will be disfigured, however, it is a myth.. When removing the organs and tissues, the aim is to handle the body with dignity and respect, so it is not mutilated or disfigured, and it is delivered in adequate conditions to carry out any ceremony that the family wishes.

These are other myths that it is important to stop believing:

* “They can confuse brain death with a coma.” Actually, the declaration of this type of death is made based on globally recognized medical criteria; once it occurs and the brain dies, there is no way to bring it back to life.

In the case of organ donation, studies are carried out that prove brain death, demonstrating the total and irreversible absence of brain functions.

* “Minors cannot donate”. After life, a minor can be a donor with the express consent of their parents or legal representatives; in life, they can only donate bone marrowwith the corresponding consent.

* “Someone with tattoos can not donate.” As long as 6 months have elapsed after the tattoo, it is possible to donate. Likewise, tests are carried out to rule out any disease acquired by the tattooing.

* “I’m not someone ‘healthy’, my organs are useless.” specialists of Mayo Clinic, explain that few medical conditions automatically disqualify you from donating organs. While some organs might not be suitable, others are, just like your tissues.

Decisions about your body are personal, you can decide whether or not you want to donate while you are alive or after it. However, we must not forget that organ, tissue and cell transplants may be the only therapeutic option to preserve life in some people.

If you have decided to donate your organs after death, do not hesitate to obtain your Voluntary Donor Card and communicate your wish to your family.

#organ #donor #dispel #myths #give #life

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