How can I travel by car with my dog ​​or cat?

by time news

2023-08-07 11:10:10

The holidays are coming, and more and more people choose to leave bringing not only their dog but also their cat with them. That’s why it’s important to know what the rules are for transporting them safely by car, without incurring fines or risking accidents.

Security for all
In Italy there are some rules, established by the highway code, for the transport of animals by car. The fundamental principle is that animals must be transported safely and without endangering the safety of the driver, passengers or the animal itself. In short, the animal must not be an element of disturbance for driving. This means that it must be transported in a position that does not obstruct the driver’s visibility, impair driving operations or be a distraction. It is no coincidence that it is absolutely forbidden to drive with the animal on your lap or in a position that interferes with the driving of the driver. This practice is dangerous and can lead to road accidents.

In the carrier, with the net or belts
Generally speaking, “it is preferable that the animal is placed in the rear seat or in the obviously open trunk, separated by a special net, or kept in a carrier suitable for its size”, explains Claudia Taccani, head of the legal desk of Oipa Italia Odv . If it is transported on the seat “it is necessary and appropriate that it be tied with a special safety belt that keeps it firmly anchored, to prevent dangerous movements while driving. Obviously, this is suitable for dogs, while for cats, in order to avoid dangerous movements for driving or escape of the animal, it is necessary to opt for an approved pet carrier”. The highway code provides that it is “possible to transport a pet as long as it is safe”: therefore keeping your dog, even if small, curled up at the foot of the passenger seat, “may be subject to a financial penalty”.

By bike and motorcycle
It is also possible to transport your pets by bicycle or motorbike, but “it is important to do so in a safe way, to guarantee the well-being of the animal and the safety of the driver and other road users”, continues the lawyer. “If it is small, the appropriate carrier can be used, with dimensions indicated in the highway code, well hooked to the rear of the bicycle, making sure it is stable”. For medium-sized or large dogs there are bicycle trailers, specially designed for transporting animals. “However, it is forbidden to ride a bike while keeping your dog on a leash which runs behind or alongside the vehicle”. For those traveling by motorbike, “the mode of transport is the same as that of the bicycle. Obviously we recommend a reduced speed and maximum attention having our beloved animal “on the saddle”.

Test before leaving
Regardless of which method you choose, it’s important to take a few precautions, such as gradually getting your dog or cat used to being carried and making sure they feel comfortable and safe. Then we have to consider that even animals can suffer from motion sickness, car sickness, as well as having an innate fear of the car, so much so that every journey is experienced as an ordeal, even if it doesn’t last long. Past negative experiences can be the most common reason that leads to fear of them, and the noise component should not be underestimated either: some specimens are particularly sensitive to loud noises or vibrations that occur while driving, which can cause them stress and fear. So it’s always good to keep them under control, do some tests before leaving on a long journey and plan a series of stages to make the transport less impactful. And remember, it is always forbidden to leave your pet unattended in the car as well as letting him keep his muzzle out the window.

#travel #car #dog #cat

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