2024-08-28 17:38:26
Pastor Renato Vargens questioned the former head of Missão Integral in Brazil, Ariovaldo Ramos, about his support for Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), a candidate for mayor of the capital city of São Paulo who is known for his support for extremist progressive agendas.
Ariovaldo and Boulos met during a service promoted by “left-wing Christians” in the western zone of São Paulo last Monday, August 26. At the end, the mayoral candidate was photographed next to the “Lulista priest”, a nickname given by the newspaper Hidden in S. Paulo for the religious leader.
“In the photo is the PSOL candidate who defends abortion, drug decriminalization, invasion of land and private property. In the background Ariovaldo Ramos, a priest who defends the election of the person before him”, described Vargens.
The anger of the pastor of the Alliance Christian Church, with a line of reformed doctrine, was evident in the publication made on Instagram: “I ask: how can someone who claims to be a Christian align himself with the PSOL and its candidate?”
In the comments, the followers of Priest Vargens were of the opinion that religious leaders such as “Ariovaldo, Kivitz, Neil Barreto Latoeiros Alexandre, Himeneu and Phileto of today”, referring to people described by the Apostle Paul as false teachers in the letters. to Timothy.
Boulos’ campaign is encouraging strong positions from evangelical leaders across Brazil. Pastor Pedro Pamplona, from the Philadelphia Baptist Church in Fortaleza (CE), denied the activist use of the National Anthem during a rally by the PSOL candidate:
“The video that shows our national anthem being sung in a neutral language is one of those symbolic absences of the times in which we live. I love our song and I respect it so much. I learned to sing it in an organized and respectful way at school. Good time. But what we see today is different… They destroyed the Portuguese, the identity of our people, they destroyed our song, the traditional symbol of the country, they destroyed the tuning, the beauty of the music”, protest the priest
Pamplona described the episode as “a summary of what PTism is all about: the realization of our identity, our tradition and our beauty. They are tearing Brazil apart.”
#associate #Boulos