How can you calculate your calorie consumption with the MET value?

by time news

The MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) expresses how many kilocalories a certain activity costs per hour. You have to multiply your energy consumption per hour by the MET value, the intensity, of a certain action.


MET value x 3.5
Result x weight in kilograms
Result / 200 (= combustion per minute)
Result x 60 (= combustion per hour)

Simply sitting still has a MET value of 1. A person weighing 85 kilos burns 89.25 kilocalories during an hour of sitting still. For convenience, you can equate a MET value of 1 with your weight. If you then walk for an hour, you burn three and a half times your body weight in kilocalories, because the MET value of leisurely walking (between 3-5 km per hour) is 3.5.

Daily calorie consumption

Let’s say you have an office job and that one walk is your only daily exercise. How much do you burn in a day? First, you sleep 8 hours. The MET value of sleep is 0.9. Working at a computer has a MET value of 1.5. If you walk for half an hour during the break and also walk for a total of half an hour during the day, you will burn 3.5 times your body weight during that hour. Then there are 7 hours left, in which you may not do much. Of these, the MET value is about 1.

Calorie consumption per action
actionMET value x weightAmount of hoursTotal
To sleep0,9 x 858612
Work1,5 x 8581020
Steps / walking3,5 x 851297,50
Other1 x 857595
Total242524 (completed)

The last component is nutrition. The thermal value of your food, ie how many calories it takes to digest your food, is about 10 percent. Fat and carbohydrates have a slightly lower thermal value, but protein more. If the above person eats 2500 kilocalories in a day, he will burn 2774 (2524.50 + thermal value) kilocalories in a day.


This formula can be personalized very easily. First, replace 85 with your own weight. If you sleep more or less, you can adjust that for sleep and other, and that also applies to steps/walks. If your situation is very different from this example, you can consult the MET value table via this link.


Men of 85 kilos will burn slightly more than women of 85 kilos. The formula does not take that into account. Also, someone of 85 kilos with a lot of muscle mass will burn slightly more than someone of the same weight with less muscle.

Still, the MET value is generally quite reliable. It is important to estimate your weight, the duration of the exercises and the intensity properly and fill it in honestly. In addition, you also burn calories with household tasks and other activities. But if you fill in the formula honestly, there’s a good chance that the number will not be higher than your actual calorie consumption.

By: National Care Guide / Æde de Jong
Sources: Nutrition Center

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