How did Heydar Aliyev hit Veli Akhundov?

by time news

2023-04-25 19:42:43

Chairman of the National Council, professor Jamil Hasanli

Academician Rafael Huseynov is a unique scientist in Azerbaijani philological science. He is hardworking, has interesting studies and books. Unlike many others, he deserves the title of a true member of the Academy due to his creative achievements.

But his series of articles on the 100th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev during the month of April really disappointed me. Not because these articles were written about Heydar Aliyev. I have written before and said in my speeches that with minor exceptions, one can write a book and an article about all the people who led Azerbaijan during the Soviet period, including Heydar Aliyev. But what is written should reflect the real picture and should not have the nature of praise and praise. People should be treated within the conditions of their time and the system they serve. It cannot be said that the State Security Committee was bad, but the State Security Council, where Heydar Aliyev served and was its head, was good. Communism was bad, but the Communist Party and Politburo led by Heydar Aliyev were good. Of course, I do not think that Rafael Huseynov, who worked for a long time at “Voice of America” ​​and “Azadlig” radio stations, does not know this difference.

But! After the October 1971 plenum, Heydar Aliyev forbade the leading party and state employees to bury their deceased parents and relatives with mullahs, according to Islamic rules. At that time, the aged father of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, who had just received the rank of general, had bequeathed that he should be buried with the mullah. The man dies. The general does not know what to do. He can’t call Mullah out of fear, nor can he go through his father’s will. The corpse remains in the middle. He goes to Agarahm, the director of Inturist, for advice. After a long discussion, Agarahim says that even though you have become a general, Ala Famil (the name is conditional), you will not be an admiral from now on, so follow the man’s will.

In recent years, an interesting issue has been invented. During the Soviet era, Heydar Aliyev’s management staff gave such a rationale for criticizing and dismissing a number of intellectuals who played a role in the national awakening of the 60s, that it was supposedly a “protective” criticism, that he dismissed them to save them from persecution, and so on.
Now, brothers, colleagues, even though you have received everything (honestly, Mr. Rafael mostly received what he deserved), you will not be an admiral from now on. Heydar Aliyev is a man whose biography does not turn into a contest of history. Don’t invent a new biography for him.

Academician Rafael Huseynov writes extensively about Aliyev’s “care and attention” to Vali Akhundov after the change of power in 1969, on July 14. He writes about bringing Heydar Aliyev to the chairmanship of DTK. This idea came directly from Akhundov. All republic leaders wanted the head of the security agency to be from the local people, at least from “native” Russians. The appointment of Heydar Aliyev as the deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1965 and as its chairman in 1967 was directly initiated by Akhundov, and in both appointments, Veli Akhundov managed to approve him in Moscow.

Teacher Rafael writes in the article “Two Men at the Crossroads” that after the change of July 14, 1969, “And on July 21, 1969, Heydar Aliyev signed the first document as the First Secretary. This is an order on maintaining the right to use the previous medical and household services of his predecessor, Vali Akhundov…” Is this true? Yes, it is true, but all these issues were agreed with the Soviet leadership in Moscow. But the respectable academic passes the matter in silence. After all, Aliyev wrote a secret letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union shortly after the first document he signed about keeping Akhundov’s privileges and succeeded in canceling the privileges granted to Veli Akhundov. After the August 1969 plenum, Aliyev began to directly criticize Veli Akhundov at the meetings of the MK Bureau. By the way, during the time of Akhundov, the Minister of Motor Transport Vladimir Rasskazov was buried in the Alley of Honor, but when Vali Akhundov, who led the republic for 10 years, died in 1986, he was not buried in the Alley of Honor.

The State Security Council of Azerbaijan sent Andropov a comprehensive report on the destruction of socialist property in the oil industry and other areas. 1 million tons of oil was missing. Even though this was explained as extravagance in the party documents, the Azerbaijani leadership took other initiatives to open a criminal case against Vali Akhundov, take his scientific degree, cancel his academic title, but Moscow did not agree to it. Therefore, in 1996, when Heydar Aliyev gave a very laudatory speech about Akhundov on his 80th birthday, it seems that he either forgot about them, or that no one knew what happened except him.

By the way, Akhundov’s application to leave the job Sov. When it was discussed in the organizational department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, when he was asked who he proposed to replace him, Akhundov proposed the candidacy of Ali Amirov, the secretary of the Central Committee on Industry of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan. But after the Prague events of 1968, Moscow was looking for high-ranking personnel. Before Aliyev, General Huseyn Rasulbeyov was invited to the conversation. But he refused to be the first secretary.

Vali Akhundov, in his last words, considered it important to preserve the personnel potential formed in recent years. But in the plenum of August 1969, the process of pursuing the old cadres began. Heydar Aliyev gave a secret instruction to the State Security Committee to collect revealing materials about the executives. Even some revealing operations were prepared. For example, when the first secretary of one of the republican city party committees went on a business trip to Moscow, a woman who was a DTK agent was taken into her room in a hotel and her party ticket was stolen.

In his article “The nation should know this” from this series, Mr. Rafael writes about Heydar Aliyev’s rescue of the People’s Poet Rasul Rza, the editor-in-chief of the First Soviet Encyclopedia. What was this “salvation”? Rasul Reza was appointed to this position in December 1965. In 1970, the first volume of the Encyclopedia was published. However, soon the first volume of the Encyclopedia, which consisted of 20,000 copies already distributed to bookstores and libraries, was removed from sales points and libraries and destroyed in a paper shredder. In order to distance this incident from Heydar Aliyev, teacher Rafael writes that “winds towards the encyclopedia have already begun to blow from Moscow”, exaggerating the factor of the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia Levon Shaumyan. But after all, first of all, we destroyed that green-faced skin ourselves, we destroyed it before the instruction came from Moscow, we destroyed it by the decision of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan. How can a scientist, an intellectual, an academic justify it? Soon after, in the report of Heydar Aliyev at the plenum of October 1971, Rasul Rza was accused of very serious things: “Creation of the Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia should be of great importance, but this noble task is not fulfilled half-heartedly. As a result of insufficiently qualified management of the editorial office of the Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia, during the five years of its existence, the editorial office spent more than half of the amount allocated for the publication of the entire encyclopedia. The first volume, which is the only volume printed with a circulation of 20,000 copies, is now being revised due to serious errors and defects. The chief editor of the encyclopedia, Comrade Rasul Rza, should be severely reprimanded. He failed to choose highly qualified personnel, failed to gather the best experts around the editorial office, and showed unprincipledness in the selection of materials.” However, the money was spent, the first volume was published, and more than half of the articles for the other volumes were prepared.

Academician Rafael Husyuynov relates the removal of Rasul Rza from the post of editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia in October 1975 with the reference of A. Sokolov, the supervisor of the Party Control Committee under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. But after all, before Sokolov’s visit to Baku, a 23-page opinion was prepared at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan on the instructions of Heydar Aliyev. There were serious accusations in the opinion. It was not on the basis of Sokolov’s reference that this 23-page review was actually withdrawn from the regional conference of Transcaucasian encyclopedias in Yerevan, and the editor-in-chief was dismissed from the post of serious charges. The MK Bureau made a decision “about serious deficiencies in the work of ASE”. It seems that teacher Rafael is either not aware of this opinion or is interested in passing over it in silence. After all, shortly after Rasul Reza, Mirza Ibrahimov, who played a major role in the language struggle of the 1950s, was removed from the position of the first secretary of the Union of Writers. However, it should be mentioned that he presented both of them in the name of Hero of Socialist Labor in the 80s.

Who raised the editor-in-chief against Rasul Reza, why was his lack of a higher education diploma remembered after 10 years? Who was secretly invited to the relevant department of the Central Committee and instructed to start a campaign against Rasuzl Raza? All these have a document base. This team came to the editor-in-chief from the Central Committee. By the way, although the new first volume prepared by the new team in the Encyclopedia begins with the letter “A”, unlike the destroyed “Green-faced” volume, Azerbaijan’s history, culture, and public opinion were hardly included in it. When the issue of the implementation of the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan of October 24, 1975 was discussed at the meeting of the General Editorial Board on June 11, 1976, the member of the editorial board Mirza Ibrahimov sarcastically asked, “In the first volume of the Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia, there is a summary about Azerbaijan.” If so, will the article be given?”

Thus, by the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan adopted on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev, the first volume of the Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia, which begins with the letter “A” without Azerbaijan, was “created”.

Indeed, it is a very sad sight that a talented scientist like Rafael Huseynov wrote such a series of articles ignoring the important moments of history in his 100-year campaign, trying to create the image of Heydar Aliyev as a “savior” by going against the facts, and basing the concept of “protective criticism” invented on delayed history. The saddest thing is that such writings then become a source, a place of reference, and the falsification of history continues in a geometric series. The nation should know this too!

#Heydar #Aliyev #hit #Veli #Akhundov

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