how did the singer of the “Champs-Elysées” die?

by time news

JOE DASSIN. This Friday, July 29, France 3 broadcasts the documentary “Joe Dassin: the novel of his life”, devoted to the career and life of the singer.

[Mis à jour le 29 juillet 2022 à 20h17] Joe Dassin: the novel of his life : this Friday, July 29, 2022, the French-speaking singer is in the spotlight on France 3, which broadcasts, from 9:10 p.m., a documentary directed by Pascal Forneri. For two hours, the viewer is invited to explore the career of Joe Dassin, his greatest hits like Indian summer, America or And if you did not existto his dark and tortured side.

Through archive images, the documentary looks back on the success of the singer, until his premature death at 41 and brings together the testimonies of his relatives, in particular Maryse Grimaldi, his first wife, or the singer Dave, his friend. faithful. After seducing the whole of France, Joe Dassin has sold more than 50 million records worldwide and chained hits, the artist continues his career at a frenetic pace. In 1980, he went on vacation to Tahiti with his two sons, Jonathan and Julien.

It is at the restaurant, in Papeete, that he collapses around 12:30 p.m., during lunch: Joe Dassin is the victim of a myocardial infarction. Despite cardiac massage, the singer, then only 41 years old, died on the spot. Joe Dassin is buried in Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles, California.

Short biography of Joe Dassin

Joe Dassin, French-speaking singer, was born in New York on November 5, 1938. The grandson of a Ukrainian immigrant, Joe Dassin grew up immersed in the American culture of the big cities. But political tensions push his family to leave the USA to join Europe. The installation of his filmmaker father in France allows him once his studies concluded to approach the world of entertainment. But his first titles are a commercial failure, which will earn him the honors of the media only by the reputation of his father.

Success came gradually in 1966, with a few first radio appearances with Bip-Bip then Guantanamera. These titles allow him to launch his career, boosted later by The Daltons in 1967, his first major commercial success. He then surfed the protest wave of May 1968 with Whistle on the hill. The New York child’s career is launched. Despite health concerns and a heart attack in 1969, it was paradoxically this year that consecrated him with The Champs Elysees, its universal reference title. Translated into several languages, it has since become a great classic of French song.

It will be followed in 1970 by America, another hit from the artist. The 1970s only smiled on him briefly in 1975, with the cult Indian summer. Despite this brief return to the fore, the Franco-American singer no longer finds the same omnipresence. He died in 1980 of a heart attack in Tahiti, exhausted by an exhausting European tour.

Who were Joe Dassin’s wives?

During his (short) life, Joe Dassin married twice. In 1966, the singer married Maryse Massiera. Together, they have a first child in 1973, a boy named Joshua. The latter died prematurely, five days after his birth. A drama that will weaken the couple, who separate and divorce in 1977. Two years later, Joe Dassin asks for the hand of the one who will be his second wife, Christine Delvaux, then a student. The couple have two other children, Jonathan and Julien. Christine Delvaux died on December 5, 1995 in Feucherolles, at the age of 46, of an asthma attack.

Joe Dassin in five cult songs

  • Indian summer
  • America
  • The Champs-Elysees
  • Whistle on the hill
  • The Daltons

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