“How did you go for us”: Beni Shlomo’s funeral was held under police security South here

by time news

Under the watchful eye of the police, out of fear that some party would take advantage of the situation, the funeral of the head of the Bnei Shlomo crime organization was held in Moshav Haletz where he lived with his family. Hundreds accompanied him on his last journey and cries of grief over the second murder in the family were heard throughout the funeral

Published on: 6.10.22 20:24

Police forces arrived to secure the funeral of the head of the crime organization, Benny Shlomo, who was killed by gunshots last Monday at a gas station near the settlement of Azor.

Already at the entrance to road 232 in the direction of Moshav Chaletz, there was a police car. At the entrance to the moshav itself, where Shlomo lived and his funeral was held, there were 3 police cars and then more cars and members of the Yoav unit stood at various points around the moshav, such as on the road leading to Shlomo’s house, but they were careful not to get too close with the mobiles. It is likely that the undercover officers stood closer to the house in order to prevent cases of harm, because the police know that in the codes of the underworld today, there are no longer any red lines.

Near Shlomo’s house, on the path leading to the moshav’s cemetery, stood hundreds of his acquaintances, friends, partners and family members, some of whom were members of the moshav. Criminals were also seen there, such as gang leaders from Ashdod, those who themselves survived massacres.

A little after 16:00, the ambulance carrying Shlomo’s body arrived and stopped near his house. The family members came out to him and together with the crowds began to accompany him to the cemetery. The daughters of the family who were caught in the ambulance cried bitterly, “Where are you my son? How did you leave us like this?”.

The funeral procession of Bnei Shlomo in Moshav Haletz

The funeral procession of Bnei Shlomo in Moshav Haletz

The funeral procession of Bnei Shlomo in Moshav Haletz

Benjamin Shlomo ben Silvia.  Courtesy of Itzik Ohana, a journalist for the Shabbat Square

Benjamin Shlomo ben Silvia. Courtesy of Itzik Ohana, a journalist for the Shabbat Square

The cries of grief continued even in the cemetery itself and intensified when the body of Shlomo was lowered into the grave, the second son of the Shlomo family who was murdered against the background of the wars in the underworld.

Police vehicles around the seat

Police vehicles around the seat

Police vehicles around the seat

Police vehicles around the seat

Yoav unit members in Moshav

Yoav unit members in Moshav

Today, the detention of one of the suspects involved in the murder, who is suspected of helping the suspects in the murder after the act, was extended for the second time. There is still a gag order on his name and the names of the others involved.

This morning a new document was published from the elimination of Bnei Shlomo, which reveals moment by moment how it happened.

The documentation shows that the security guard Vladislav Pobolotsky is standing some distance from his boss and is looking at the Mazda car, which entered the gas station where Bnei Shlomo was staying near the settlement of Azor. With his sharp senses, Shlomo recognized that these were assassins and immediately started running very fast towards the main road.

But then he stumbles and slips on the ground and this is what decides his fate, because the assassin approaches him and shoots him from point blank range again and again and again and thus ensures the death of the head of the crime organization.

View the documentation:

The exterminators returned to the Mazda car and began to flee the scene, a police officer standing nearby shot at them and tried to stop them, but they hit his motorcycle and ran away, then robbed another car and ran away.

After the investigation of the murder was assigned to the central unit of the Lakish area, within a few hours four suspects were arrested for involvement in the murder. Three at the entrance to the city of Gedera, while the fourth, a medical student, was arrested at Ben Gurion Airport. The four live in Ramla and are associated with the Jaroshi crime family, but it is not quite certain that the assassination was initiated by the well-known crime family from Ramla.

The police suspect that the murder was commissioned, so that the exterminators did it as mercenaries, for a fee. It is not yet clear who financed the assassination and was behind it, although the immediate suspicion is Shalom Domerani, the bitter rival, the police are in no hurry to point to him as the organizer of the assassination.

Bnei Shlomo in court

Bnei Shlomo in court

The four were brought on the eve of Kippur to extend their detention, the police asked to extend their detention by ten days and the police representative at the hearing, attorney Eyal Zack, said at the hearing that there are forensic findings in the case.


Attorney Eyal Jack

The defense attorneys who represented the suspects, attorneys Uri Bar Oz, Yosef Ashkenazi and Nadir Branchi claimed at the hearing on behalf of their clients that they deny any connection to the incident. They also claimed that the suspects were caught after 7 hours and were not caught immediately or nearby, therefore it is impossible to tie them to the incident.

The lawyers (from left): Uri Bar Oz, Yosef Ashkenazi and Nadir Branchi

The lawyers (from left): Uri Bar Oz, Yosef Ashkenazi and Nadir Branchi

Judge Mittal Khalfon Nazarian wrote in her decision that there is a reasonable suspicion linking the suspects and extended the detention of the three suspects in the murder by six days and the detention of the fourth suspect by three days which were extended today, as mentioned in another four days.

Ofir and Amos Levi.  Photography: Motti Milrod

Ofir and Amos Levi. Photography: Motti Milrod

Bnei Shlomo, is considered the bitter rival of the brothers Amos and Ofir Lavi from Rehovot as well as the head of the crime organization, Shalom Domerani, although in the past he was his right-hand man. After a dispute that developed between them, Bnei Shlomo founded a competing crime organization and then the great rivalry began which included a series of assassinations and attempted assassinations.

Hello Dumarni.  Photography: Moti Kimchi

The bitter rival. Hello Dumarni. Photography: Moti Kimchi

In 2015, my son’s brother, Shalom, was murdered in front of his house in Moshav Telamim. And since then the attempts of mutual elimination between Bnei Shlomo and Shalom Domrani have continued, claiming many victims.

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