How do dogs perceive the world? A new study reveals it

by time news

Dogs and people don’t see the world the same way. According to an American study, the first are essentially attracted by the movement and very little on the person who is at the origin of it.

Dogs don’t see the world like we do. Scientists have used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to demonstrate this and their conclusion is as follows: dogs are very attentive to movements, but ultimately focus very little on the person who is causing them. The results of this study were published in the scientific journal Journal of Visualized Experiments and are relayed by the magazine Géo.

For their study, the team of researchers from Emory University in the United States studied the reactions of Daisy and Bhubo, who had been trained to remain immobile for long periods in a scanner without having to be attached.

For 90 minutes, they were shown a film showing, among other things, dogs, vehicles, cats or even a deer and humans in motion.

At the same time, two human beings suffered the same fate to compare the results. Verdict of the Artificial Intelligence specially developed for this study: dogs react above all to movement while ” we humans are very object oriented “, explains Erin Phillips. Also note: Dogs only distinguish shades of blue and yellow and have a higher density of motion-sensitive visual receptors.

Next step to better understand our four-legged friends: study their reactions to different olfactory stimuli.

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