How do I apply for INSS Retirement at the age of 60?

by time news

2023-12-25 12:13:37






How do I apply for INSS Retirement at the age of 60? “The opening to have lower benefits revealed by the pension reform may be closed. Anyone who is going to retire at a minimum age must be careful with their pension planning”, warns lawyer Hilário Bocchi Junior, a pension specialist at the firm Bocchi Advogados Associados.

In this and the next two contents I will cover a study that I carried out at Firma Bocchi Advogados Associados where I work as a lawyer.

It’s about the professional profile of three generations, the benefits that are further away, closer and those that are happening.

It is the generation of people who were born before 1980 (the 40+), before 1970 (50+) and those who were born before 1960, the 60+.

What retirement can look like, care not to ask for the wrong benefit and what pension planning should focus on.

Focus on the right retirement INSS

With the profile of taxpayers born in three different decades (before 1960, 1970 and 1980) it was possible to determine the focus of each type of retirement.

Three temporal spaces were determined: the types of retirements that are furthest away, those that are close and those that are already happening.

Bocchi explains that “determining the age group, contribution time and gender of the contributor, associated with legislative changes that created new retirement modalities, reduces the risk of choosing the wrong benefit”.

INSS: 60+ (the miracle of retirement)

People born before 1960 started working earlier; had less job turnover and had shorter periods without contributions.

This scenario brings men and women closer to retirement due to age and the majority are already retired, with a total contribution time between 30 and 36 years.

Pension planning (INSS)

As they had the highest salaries in the past, pension planning must focus on the new calculation formula approved by the Pension Reform that allows for up to three times greater benefits with just one contribution, which has been called “The Retirement Miracle” or “Unique Contribution Thesis”.

The Federal Government’s economic team has already noticed this loophole in the law and is working to “dry up this source”, but lawyer Hilário Bocchi Junior explains that this task is not easy because for this to happen, the Federal Constitution will have to change.

Social Security Specialist – Hilarious Bocchi Junior

Amador Bueno Street | 14010-070 | Center | Ribeirão Preto/SP –
Courtesy of the Pension Education company Aposentfácil.

#apply #INSS #Retirement #age

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