How do I know if I have a balance in my favor at the SAT? Step by step to find out about your automatic refund

by times news cr

¿How do I know if I have balance in favor at the SATIn this note we tell you step by step How can you find out about and apply for your automatic refund.

Throughout the months of March and April, individuals and corporations must comply with their tax return before the Tax Administration Service (SAT).

As part of the process, certain taxpayers may receive the great news of having balance in favorHowever, there is a chance that some of them may not be aware of it.

Therefore, if you want to know if you have a balance in your favor in the SAT, here we explain step by step the way in which you can access automatic cashback.

SAT (Eduardo Diaz)

Step by step to find out if you have a balance in your favor at the SAT

If you suspect that you have balance in favor at the SATbut you don’t know how you can carry out the consultation process, you just have to follow step by step the following to request your automatic return:

  • Enter the SAT portal that you can find by giving Click on this link
  • Log in with your RFC and password or e.signature
  • Find and select the “My Account” option
  • Within the “My account” section, select the tab that says “Declarations and payments”
  • You must select the fiscal year you wish to consult.
  • Click on the option “Check credit balance”

In case the search has yielded a result of a balance in your favor, what follows is that you carry out the corresponding procedure to request the respective refund automatic.

For the above, what you have to do is to follow the following steps within the same SAT portal:

  • Go to the “Returns and Compensations” tab
  • Enter your interbank CLABE and the name of your bank
  • Upload the documents and share the data requested from you
  • Click on return and signature

Once you have completed the process in question, on the same page you will be able to Check the status of the refund of the balance in favor that cannot exceed the 90 business days.

How do I know if I have a balance in my favor at the SAT? Step by step to find out about your automatic refund

SAT (especial / Internet)

What if you have a negative balance? Follow these steps

Just as some may receive the great news of having a balance in their favor, SATother taxpayers run the risk of the opposite and be notified of a negative balance.

If after completing the consultation process you were informed that you owe the treasurywhat you have to do to be in compliance with the SAT is to follow the next one step by step:

  • Within the same SAT page, you must go to the “Tax debts” section
  • Select the option “Check and pay your tax debts if you are registered with the RFC”
  • The system will generate a capture line so you can make the payment
  • You can pay in one payment or in installments.
  • If you choose the option of paying in installments, the system will provide you with the capture lines corresponding to each one.
Deductible household expenses

SAT (Michelle Rojas / SDPnoticias)

2024-08-18 05:13:28

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