How do the inhabitants of Jerusalem live in Cundinamarca, the hottest municipality in the country?

by time news

Jerusalem, Cundinamarca, is approximately three hours from Bogotá. Photos: Freepik and YouTube video capture: Exploring with Gasambo. January 24, 2024 · 10:58 am

130 kilometers from Bogotá is located hottest municipality from Colombia. It is called Jerusalem and, according to the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Ideam), this Tuesday, January 23, it broke a maximum temperature record by reaching 40 °C.

With this figure, Jerusalem surpassed cities on the Caribbean coast such as Santa Marta (36.9 °C), San Andrés (32 °C) and Providencia (31.3 °C). Given this situation and taking into account the El Niño phenomenon, the municipal mayor’s office took measures to face this dry season.

To mitigate the impact of heat and sun rays on the inhabitants, Mayor Ingri Villalba Contreras, together with the Office of Planning and Public Services, announced citizens a series of recommendations to take into account during this season.

Mainly, They reiterated the use of sunscreen and avoid overexposing themselves. Additionally, increasing water consumption, moisturize pets and regulate outdoor activities.

Likewise, they called on Jerusalemites to efficiently use water in order to avoid shortages, temporary suspensions or rationing of this resource. For example, they called for taking short showers and turning off the faucet while soaping or brushing your teeth.

More recommendations

  • Soak and soap the dishes and turn on the faucet only to rinse
  • Use washing machine rinse water to clean floors and patios
  • Use the washing machine with the recommended load capacity
  • Water plants and green areas with watering can and evening hours
  • Avoid washing your vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle or other with a hose
  • Repair damage, opt for means to regulate water flow such as floats

Likewise, they reiterated that Burning for land preparation and other productive activities is prohibited.make bonfires that can cause fires and burn tires, garbage or firewood in green areas.

The Mayor’s Office of Jerusalem invited citizens to pay attention to the Ideam alertsreplicated by environmental authorities, to know how to act and protect themselves from this dry season they are going through.

Measures adopted in the dry season in Jerusalem, Cundinamarca.

About Jerusalem, Cundinamarca

Founded in 1865, The municipality has more than three thousand inhabitants and is located in Cundinamarcaapproximately three hours and 15 minutes from the country’s capital and at an altitude of 357 meters above sea level.

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