How do you lower blood sugar? | The Doctor

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How do you lower blood sugar? What food lowers blood sugar? What can we do to lower blood sugar – grandmother’s remedies and natural treatments? Which spice lowers blood sugar effectively? Does regulating emotional stress lower blood sugar? Which plants help reduce blood sugar? What lowers excess blood sugar? Does exercise reduce sugar?

How do you lower blood sugar? Photo: Pixabay TJENA

What raises blood sugar? A variety of factors lead to an increase in blood sugar. For example, mental stress, emotional distress and stress lead to high sugar. Obesity and overweight are also associated with high blood sugar. Lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle also raise blood sugar levels. Certain medications, and various diseases also lead to high sugar. Along with this, nutrition significantly affects the increase in blood sugar levels. Different foods raise blood sugar levels. For example, high-carbohydrate foods, processed foods, junk food and fast food, high-fat foods, animal foods, margarine, butter, and more. On the other hand, other foods reduce sugar, for example sauerkraut, avocado, okra, broccoli, oats or garlic.

Before turning to natural solutions to lower blood sugar, we will recommend a comprehensive medical diagnosis, consultation and monitoring by a specialist doctor. Diagnosis, counseling and receiving treatment recommendations are an important and essential step in the treatment of high blood sugar, prevention of diabetes and treatment of pre-diabetes. High sugar is caused by various reasons such as poor nutrition, undiagnosed diseases, certain medications, obesity and more. That is why it is important to have a diagnosis and treatment that provides an accurate and thorough answer to the cause and the characteristics of the patient.

How do you lower the high sugar level?

How do you lower excess blood sugar? What natural methods lower sugar? What are the foods that lower the glucose in the bloodstream? What is the spice that helps reduce sugar? What lowers high sugar? How do you lower blood sugar?

So how do you lower blood sugar? There are different solutions to reduce blood sugar. Sometimes the attending physician will recommend medication to reduce sugar. But what helps to reduce blood glucose beyond sugar-lowering drugs?

  • Change the diet: reduce consumption of foods that raise blood sugar. For example, sweets, processed foods, empty carbohydrates such as pastries, cookies, cakes, fast food, fried food and high-fat foods are avoided. Combine foods that reduce sugar in the nutritional menu. For example, consume avocado, broccoli, garlic, chickpeas, nuts, cucumbers, okra, cabbage or apples.
  • Combine herbs and spices to lower sugar such as cinnamon, fenugreek, green tea, turmeric or rosemary.
  • Exercise regularly at least five times a week for about 45 minutes each time.
  • Blood sugar levels are monitored to check the effects of diet and activities on reducing blood sugar.
  • Regulate and treat stress levels and emotional distress in order to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Reduce excess weight. Lose excess weight and avoid obesity that raises blood sugar levels.

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