How does the fighting in Ukraine affect Israeli high-tech?

by time news
The crisis in Ukraine is affecting the whole world, as well as Israeli high-tech. Many companies in Israel employ workers in Ukraine and have had to deal with a situation they have never experienced – when the company’s employees go to war without the possibility of leaving, the employing companies also have a role to play.

In this week’s episode, we talked about the relationship of Israeli high-tech with Ukraine: how many employees are employed in it and how it has developed over the years, how high-tech companies in Israel deal with the situation, how their employees conduct themselves and how it may affect the long term. In addition, we talked about the effects on the workforce, on the high-tech world, and various scenarios that can happen from now on.

Prof. Niron Hashai, Arison School of Business, Reichman University, spoke about the beginning of the days of synergy between Israeli and Ukrainian industry and the importance of this connection to the two countries. Rachel Shchori, VP of Technology at Optimov, spoke about her dealings with the war: 25 Ukrainian programmers with whom she is in daily communication and describes her work routine during the war.

Everything that is new, interesting and special in Israeli high-tech

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High-tech in traffic jams is a combination of Facebook Live, and a podcast that appears on the Facebook pages of Calcalist and the start-up stadium.

In the program team – Adar Hai, Uri Toledano, Tal Hai, and Nirit Cohen

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