How frequent are infidelities?

by time news

2023-06-01 16:34:30

When it comes to infidelity, more than one person can raise their hand to tell their story and the way in which they “realized” is something so everyday that many people have really wondered.How frequent are infidelities?

Even the subject is so touched that, during a presentation of a television program, the presenter Pedro Sola, known for his many memes, was criticized for declaring that infidelity is an everyday thing.

This, of course, has aroused the curiosity of many who wonder how far “Pedrito” can be from reality.

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What percentage of people are unfaithful?

The Mexican Association of Alternatives in Psychology defines infidelity as a complex process that occurs within the marital relationship and can be caused by different factors.

The causes for infidelity to occur depend on each person and each context and in a general sense, more than half of the Mexican population declared having been unfaithful at some point in their lives with one of their partners.

In fact, it is estimated that the percentage is around 67% of unfaithful people only in Mexico.

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Who is more likely to be unfaithful?

You probably can’t imagine the answer (or deep down maybe you do) but those who are more likely to be unfaithful are nothing more and nothing less than women!

A study done by Missouri State University, in the United States, found that there is a higher frequency of infidelities committed by women than by men, however these infidelities usually occur only in the sexual field.

In other words, women usually seek sexual gratification even though they have emotional well-being with their partners.

The results on how frequent are infidelities show that although men are associated with being more unfaithful and with a greater sexual desire, the reality is that women tend to show greater sexual curiosity and that is why they seek to satisfy it even outside of marriage.

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What motivates a person to be unfaithful?

As mentioned above, the causes of infidelity can be varied, they can be from social, family, sexual or individual causes.

A person may be motivated to be unfaithful because they do not find full satisfaction in one or more aspects of their life as a couple, for example, in the case of the women interviewed in the study of the Missouri State Universityit was found that in the majority, despite having a sincere and healthy emotional connection with their partners, they were very curious to explore new forms of sexual pleasure.

In this sense, for them it was important “not to stay with the desire” and to learn new things, which also demolishes the myth that women have less enjoyment or interest in the sexual aspect than men.

On the other hand, another cause of infidelity may be issues such as the emotional connection that is lost or does not exist in some marriages that were forced to be together for various reasons; In these cases, what is sought is to establish a real connection with another person because this person does not exist at home.

Another factor to consider may be sexual preferences, since there have been several cases of infidelity with people of the same sex for fear of scrutiny and social judgment.

In these cases, infidelity is more likely to occur if a person with diverse sexual preferences has been forced or coerced into marrying a person of a different sexual orientation.

now that you know how frequent are infidelitiesRemember that the basis of a relationship is respect for the other person and for yourself, so before making decisions, it is important to consider that the other person also has feelings that can be hurt.

If you want to know more about the differences between the infidelity of men and women, we leave you this video.

#frequent #infidelities

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